4ENGLISHOperating conditionsThis product is an UninterruptiblePower Supply (UPS) for computersand their peripherals, television sets,stereo systems and video recorders...It must not be used to supply otherelectrical equipment (lighting, heating,household appliances, etc.).UPS connectionsConnect the UPS to the AC-power system via a wall outlet with anearth connector (see figure A).Plug critical equipment (computer,monitor, modem, etc.) into the outletsproviding battery backup powerand surge protection (see figure B),taking care not to exceed the ratedcurrent indicated in amperes.Other devices (printer, scanner, fax,etc.) can be connect to the filteredoutlets that provide surgeprotection (see figure B). The filteredoutlets are not backed up by batterypower in the event of a power outage.Optional fax/modem connection:A telephone, fax, modem or Ethernetdata line can be protected againstsurges by connecting it to thetelephone outlet via the UPS. Thedevice cable is used between thetelephone outlet and the UPS, and thesupplied cable is used betweenthe UPS and the device, as indicatedin figure C.Optional COM connection:The 650 and 800 VA devices can beconnected to the computer using thespecial USB cable supplied.Follow the indicated procedure.Operation: Four filtered outlets.: Four battery backup outlets.: LED ON indicate that surgeprotection is active on all eightoutlets.: LED ON indicate a UPS fault.: ON/OFF button for the batterybackup outlets.: Protection circuit breaker.Battery charge: The UPS chargesthe battery as soon as it is connectedto the AC outlet, whether button ispressed or not. When used for the firsttime, the battery will only provide itsmaximum autonomy after it has beencharged for 8 hours. It isrecommended that the UPS bepermanently connected to the ACpower supply to ensure the bestpossible autonomy.Filtered outlets without batterybackup: Equipment connected tothese outlets is supplied as soon asthe AC cord is plugged in. They arenot affected by button .Battery backup outlets :Equipment connected to these outletsis supplied as soon as button ispressed and turns green (see figureE). These outlets can be turned oneven if the UPS is not connected toAC power (button flashes).AC-power disturbance: If ACpower is disturbed or fails, the UPScontinues to operate on battery power.Button flashes green. In normalmode, the audio alarm beeps every 5seconds, then every 2 seconds whenthe end of battery backup time is near.In silent mode (see the section oncustomizing), the audio alarm simplybeeps once when the UPS transfersto battery power.If the power outage lasts longer thanthe battery backup time, the UPSshuts down and automatically restartswhen power is restored. Following acomplete discharge, a few hours arerequired to recharge the battery backto full backup time.To save battery power, it is possibleto press button to cut the supply ofpower to the devices connected to thebattery backup outlets.Surge protection: All outlets,whether backed up or simply filtered,include surge protection, whatever theposition of button .Shutdown of the battery backupoutlets : Press button for morethan two seconds.Master and EcoControloutlets operating procedure:In order to limit energy consumption ofperipherals (scanner, printer) instandby mode, the ProtectionStation is equipped with EcoControloutlets that are dependent on theMaster (see figure B) outlet. Whenthe main application supplied by theMaster outlet (computer) is shutdown, the EcoControl outlets areautomatically deactivated and theperipherals shut down.Note: When the function is activated,do not connect critical applications toEcoControl outlets.Threshold setup:First, make sure that the function isactivated in the “EcoControlFunction“ tab of the configurationtool.If the peripherals connected to theEcoControl outlets do not switch offwhen the main load is not in normaloperation (ex: when in standby mode),the detection threshold value must beset to High.If the rated consumption level of themain load is low and the EcoControloutlets shut down when the main loadis operating normally, the detectionthreshold value must be set to Low.The software downloadable from theeaton.com site can be configured tomonitor the UPS and the supply ofpower to the computer (see figures Dand F).This function (deactivated bydefault) is validated and configuredusing the configuration toolintegrated in the software.A default setup ensures the correctoperation of the EcoControl function.However, depending on theconsumption of the main load, thetrigger threshold of the EcoControlfunction may have to be modifiedusing the configuration software: