Eaton 70C1081G01 Instruction Booklet
7Instruction Booklet IL70C1080H03Effective May 2014Instructions for Field Installing Ground Fault Alarm/PowerSupply Modules into Digitrip 520M Equipped EatonMagnum and Magnum DS Circuit BreakersEATON www.eaton.com10.0 Post Installation Testing10.1 When to TestTesting prior to start-up can best be accomplished with the breakerout of its cell or in the Test, Disconnected, or Withdrawn (orRemoved) cell positions. CAUTIONTESTING A CIRCUIT BREAKER WHILE IT IS IN SERVICE AND CARRYINGLOAD CURRENT IS NOT RECOMMENDED.TESTING OF A CIRCUIT BREAKER THAT RESULTS IN THE TRIPPING OF THECIRCUIT BREAKER SHOULD BE DONE ONLY WITH THE CIRCUIT BREAKERIN THE TEST OR DISCONNECTED CELL POSITIONS OR WHILE THE CIRCUITBREAKER IS ON A TEST BENCH. CAUTIONANY TRIPPING OPERATION WILL CAUSE DISRUPTION OF SERVICEAND POSSIBLE PERSONAL INJURY, RESULTING IN THE UNNECESSARYSWITCHING OF CONNECTED EQUIPMENT.10.2 Code RequirementsThe NEC, under Article 230-95-C, requires that any ground fault pro-tection system be performance tested when first installed. Conducttests in accordance with the approved instructions provided with theequipment. Make a written record of this test and make the resultsavailable to the authority having inspection jurisdiction.10.3 Standard RequirementsAs a follow-up to the basic performance requirements stipulatedby the NEC, UL Standard No. 1053 requires that certain minimuminstructions must accompany each ground fault protection system.These statements (Section 5.4.3), detailed testing information, plusa copy of the record forms can be found in the Instructional Leafletwhich came with your breaker. (I.L. 70C1037)10.4 Test Methods - (Refer to Figure 2)10.4.1 Power Up CheckUpon energizing the trip unit with the correct auxiliary power controlvoltage onto secondary contacts A-14 and A-15, confirm that the sta-tus LED and LCD display are functioning.If the Digitrip does not have a ground element and the module wasinstalled just for the powering of the LED display, then perform anoverload test at 200% to verify tripping (secondary injection testwith a test kit). This would complete the verification sequence. If aground element is involved, continue with the following tests.10.4.2 Secondary Injection TestAn AC current of 1 Amp input can be injected onto the breakersecondary contacts B-4 and B-5. This will trigger the Ground Alarmindicator to function and close contacts A-10 and A- Primary Injection TestA primary current higher than the Ground Current Pickup setting,when applied to a pole of the circuit breaker, will trigger the GroundAlarm indicator to function.10.4.4 General Test Instructions For Secondary and PrimaryInjection MethodsThe interconnected system must be evaluated only by qualified per-sonnel and in accordance with the equipment assembler’s detailedinstructions.To avoid improper operations following apparently correct simulatedtest operations, the polarity of the neutral sensor connections (ifused) must agree with the equipment assembler’s detailed instruc-tions. Where a question exists, consult the specifying engineer and/or equipment assembler. WARNINGDO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL, TEST, OR PERFORM MAINTENANCE ONEQUIPMENT WHILE IT IS ENERGIZED. DEATH OR SEVERE PERSONALINJURY CAN RESULT FROM CONTACT WITH ENERGIZED EQUIPMENT.DE-ENERGIZE THE CIRCUIT AND DISCONNECT THE CIRCUIT BREAKERBEFORE PERFORMING MAINTENANCE OR TESTS. WARNINGPERSONAL INJURY CAN OCCUR WHEN WORKING ON POWER SYSTEMS.ALWAYS TURN OFF POWER SUPPLYING BREAKER BEFORE CONDUCTINGTESTS. TEST OUT OF THE CELL, IF POSSIBLE. THERE IS A HAZARD OFELECTRICAL SHOCK OR BURN WHENEVER WORKING IN OR AROUNDELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT.Verify the grounding points of the system using high voltage testersand resistance bridges to ensure that ground paths do not exist thatcould bypass the sensors.Use a low-voltage (0 to 24 volt), high-current, AC source to apply atest current of 125% of the Digitrip unit ground fault pickup settingthrough one phase of the circuit breaker. This should cause thebreaker to trip (on LSIG style trip units) in less than 1 second andoperate the alarm indicator. Reset the breaker and the alarm indica-tor. Repeat the test on the other two phases (see Figure 10).Figure 10. Connection Details for Conducting Single Pole,Single Phase Current Tests with the Breaker Removed from theCell.Apply the same current as described above through one phase ofthe breaker, returning through the neutral sensor if so equipped. Thebreaker should not trip and the alarm indicator should not operate.Repeat the test on the other two phases. |
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