User’s Guide P-164000628 P-164000628—Rev 05 1CChhaapptteerr 11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn11..11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonnThe Eaton® Bypass Power Module (BPM) is designed to be a maintenance bypass switch that also containsflexible output power distribution and mounting options. The BPM is a bypass module that can be used with avariety of Eaton UPS models including the 9170+, 9155, and 9PX SP.The BPM provides added reliability to Eaton uninterruptable power supply (UPS) systems by ensuringseamless, uninterrupted, no-break transfer as well as a lock-out/tag-out (LOTO) feature to ensure the greatestsafety for UPS technicians and electricians. The BPM also offers output distribution in order to simplify wiring ina rackmount IT environment, potentially removing the need for a panelboard, breakers, and conduit fordistribution.Although the BPM is designed to be safe, the bypass can carry high levels of voltage and current. The BPMshould only be operated by an experienced user, familiar with UPS behavior and functionality. Installation formodels requiring hardwire connections should be performed by a qualified electrician following local electricalcodes. Please refer to the installation chapter of your UPS manual for the BPM wiring diagram.11..22 BByyppaassss OOvveerrvviieewwThe BPM has three operating positions (see Table 1). Failure to understand the correct bypass sequence andposition may cause the critical load to be dropped. Consider both the operating state of the UPS and the BPMwhen protecting your critical loads.NOTE In the UPS or LINE position, AC input power is still connected to the input terminalsinside the UPS.Table 1. BPM PositionsSwitchPosition DescriptionUPS The normal operating state of the system occurs when the BPM switch isin the UPS position. Utility power is fed to the bypass, where power is thenfed to the UPS. The UPS provides critical battery backup and powerconditioning and power is then fed back to the bypass switch and then thecritical load.