Do not use compressed air to blowdust accumulations out from be -tween the friction shoes. Althoughthe friction material does not containasbestos, the dust created as the fric -tion material wears, along with thedust from the operating environment,may irritate the respiratory system.4.1.2 Partial or complete disassembly is required toinspect the following items: Drum Diameter Wear - Check the O.D. of thedrum and compare to the values shown onTable 4. Minor heat-checking may be re-moved by machining the drum O.D. If thedrum has been subjected to excessive heat,the open end may flare out, giving the impres-sion that the drum has not worn. It is thereforeimportant to check the diameter at several lo-cations across the face.Operation of the clutch or brake ona drum that has worn, or has beenmachined, to less that minimum al -lowable diameter will result in dam -age to the element components.*Note: The number preceding the letters “CB”in the element size designates the originaldrum diameter in inches.Example: For 10CB300 - Original DrumDiameter = 10.00 inches (254mm)Minimum allowable drum diameter is:10.00 - .09 = 9.91 (254 - 2 = 252mm). Air Actuating Tube - Check that the rubbertube has not been damaged by excessiveheat. If any portion of the tube is hard orcharred, the entire element must be replaced.Check for any blisters, which would indicateply separtion. A tube in this condition also re-quires replacement of the entire element.4.0 MAINTENANCEOnly qualified personnel shouldmaintain and repair these units.Faulty workmanship may result inpersonal injury or equipment dam -age.When replacing components, useonly genuine Airflex replacementparts. Use of other materials mayseverely effect performance.4.1 Periodic Inspection4.1.1 The following items may be inspected withoutdisassembly of the element: Air Control Components - Check for properadjustment of the air control components.Make sure the safety pressure switches, ifused, are set correctly. Repair any air leaks. Friction Shoe Assembly Lining Wear -If the linings have worn to the minimum allow-able thickness of 1/16" (1.5mm), they must bereplaced as a complete set, with the excep-tion of element size 4CB200, where replace-ment of the entire element is required whenworn tothe minimum lining thichness of 1/32"(0.8mm).Operation with friction material wornto less than minimum allowable thick-ness will result in damage to thedrum. Contamination of Shoes or Drum - Oilor grease contamination will reduct thedeveloped torque of the clutch or brake.Disassembly will be required to clean any oilor grease build-up. Any dust accumulationmay be vacuumed from between the frictionshoe assemblies.Do not attempt to use a solvent toremove oil or grease without firstremoving the element. While squirt -inga solvent into an installed clutchTABLE 4 - DRUM WEAR LIMITSElementSizeMaximum AllowableWear on DrumDiameter *, in. (mm)4CB200 thru 14CB400 .09 (2)16CB500 thru 24CB500 .12 (3)26CB525 thru 40CB525 .19 (5)45CB525 .25 (6)PDF Format 9 © Copyright Eaton Corp., 2001. All rights reserved.StockCheck.comDownloaded from