11InstallatIon and operatIon manual 25-16732-A November 2019 www.eaton.comDetector Zone InputsEach zone is configured by default to BiWire mode and isprovided with an EOLM-3 fitted inside panel.For zones that need to be in BiWire mode the EOLM-3 mustbe removed from the panel and fitted to the last device oneach zone (“Panel Wiring diagram” on page 9). Any unusedBiWire zones must be terminated inside the panel by theEOLM-3 otherwise the zone will go into fault condition.For zones that need to be in Standard Conventional mode thenfor new installs the EOLM-3 must be removed from the paneland fitted to the last device on each zone (Figure 7 on page9), for retro-fit installs that already has an EOLM-1 fitted atthe end of the zone then the EOLM-3 needs to be removedfrom the panel and not used, for retro-fit installs without anEOLM-1 then the EOLM-3 must be removed from the paneland used to replace the termination in the last device onthe zone. Any unused standard conventional zone must beterminated with either an EOLM-3 or EOLM-1.For zones to be configured in Intrinsically Safe Conventionalmode the EOLM-3 must be removed and replaced by a 5K1resistor (not supplied) and fitted in the last device at the end ofzone after the intrinsically safe barrier. Any unused intrinsicallysafe zone must be terminated by the 5K1 end-of-line resistor.It is recommended that any zone that is not in use shouldremain in the factory default configuration of BiWire modewith the EOLM-3 fitted in the panel.On a zone configured in Intrinsically Safe Conventional modecall points must not be wired after a detector. This is to complywith Addendum to BS 5839 PT1 Amendment 6317 whichrequires that the removal of a detector does not isolate amanual call point.On zones configured in BiWire or Standard Conventional modethere is no restriction regarding the wiring of a call point.Conventional Sounder CircuitsEach sounder circuit consists of two sounder outputs.For 2 and 4 zone panels, the following rules apply:• All Zones in BiWire Mode = 0 Sounder Outputs• Half Zones in BiWire and Half inConventional Mode = 2 Sounder OutputsFor 8 zone panels the following rules apply:• All Zones in BiWire Mode = 0 Sounder Outputs• 1-4 Conventional Zones = 2 Sounder Outputs• 5-8 Conventional Zones = 4 Sounder OutputsEach sounder circuit must be terminated by a 6K8 resistorwhether the alarm devices are standard or intrinsically safein order for the panel to detect Short and Open circuit faults.Even if the conventional sounder circuits are not in use theymust be terminated by the 6K8 resistors inside the panel.Repeater I/OEach repeater has its own mains supply and standby battery.The repeater output is designed to connect to another panelconfigured as a repeater using the RS485 protocol.The repeater would follow the indication of the main Panelshowing faults, fires and disablements (Figure 13).Figure 13 repeater panel Connection2.9 Option Board (FRE/FPE/Zonal Relays)The options board is an additional daughter card that providesoutputs to Fire Protection Equipment (FPE), Fire Alarm RoutingEquipment (FRE) and Zonal Relays.Fire Alarm Routing Equipment (FRE)The FRE output is designed to activate during a fire event andis connected to phone diallers and/or Building ManagementSystems. When the FRE option board is fitted SW12-1 dipswitch is set to Fitted. See figure 6. The output complies withEN54-2 clause:• Outputs to fire alarm routing equipment (option withrequirements)Fire Protection Equipment (FPE)The FPE output is designed to activate during a fire eventand when connected to external devices drive door releasemechanisms, fire screens, sprinkler systems, and gas releasesystems. When FPE option board is fitted SW12-1 dip switchis set to Fitted. The output complies with EN54-2 clause:• 7 .10.1 Outputs to fire protection equipment (Type A)Zonal Relay ContactsZonal relay contacts are volt free and do not provide anyvoltage. The relays are selectable to be either set to C/NO orC/NC. The zonal relays are designed to follow the fire conditionof the associated zone circuit on the Main board.