3Quick installation manual CGLine+ W eb Compact Controller ZNO2050500 PrB 03/2020 www.eaton.comGBorganization’s policies).• Restrict Network Access: Ideally,CGLine+ Web Compact Controllershould be installed on a segre-gated network. However, when theCGLine+ Web Compact Controlleris connected to a wider network,make sure that the IP address andMAC address are filtered at therouter side, or using a firewall. Inaddition to this, open only the portsused by the CGLine+ Web CompactController (SMTP as configured, 587for SMTPS, 443 for HTTPS, and 5000for OPC communication).• Logging and event management:Make sure you log all relevantsystem and application events,including all administrative andmaintenance activities. Logs shouldbe protected from tampering andother risks to their integrity (forexample, by restricting permissionsto access and modify logs, transmit-ting logs to a security informationand event management system,etc.). Ensure that logs are retainedfor a reasonable and appropriatelength of time. Review the logs regu-larly. The frequency of review shouldbe reasonable, taking into accountthe sensitivity and criticality of theCGLine+ Web Compact Controllerand any data it processes. The detailshow to export the logs are definedin chapter 7.14.• Secure maintenance: In case thefirmware of the device needs to beupdated, you will be contacted byyour Eaton local support.• Business continuity / cybersecuritydisaster recovery: Eaton recom-mends incorporating CGLine+Web Compact Controller into theorganization’s business continu-ity and disaster recovery plans.Organizations should establisha Business Continuity Plan and aDisaster Recovery Plan and shouldperiodically review and, where pos-sible, exercise these plans. As partof the plan, important device datashould be backed up and securelystored, including the current con-figuration and documentation of thecurrent permissions / access con-trols, if not backed up as part of theconfiguration. The CGLine+ PC canbe used to save the configuration ofa CGLine+ Web Compact Controllerusing the “save file” button in themain page.• Decommissioning: It is a best prac-tice to purge data before dispos-ing of any device containing data.Guidelines for decommissioningare provided in NIST SP 800-88.To ensure data is unrecoverable,CGLine+ Web Compact Controllermust be securely destroyed. Methodof destruction include disintegra-tion, Incineration, Pulverization, orMelting of the electronic inside theCGLine+ Web Compact Controller.