These instructions are not complete and may notcontain all of the relevant information necessaryto diagnose or solve a particular problem youface. If you have any question concerning thecorrect operation or maintenance procedures,please contact your local Cutler-Hammerrepresentative.There are no understandings, agreements,representations, or warranties expressed orimplied including warranties of merchantabilityor fitness for a particular purpose other thanthose specifically set forth in any separatecontract between the parties. Any such contractstates the sole obligations of Cutler-Hammer andthe contents of this document are not intendedto and shall not become part of or in any waymodify the terms set forth in such a contract.Information in this literature is intended to becomprehensive but not all inclusive. Shouldfurther information be required, please contactthe nearest Cutler-Hammer sales office.IDENTIFICATIONEach Cutler-Hammer ATSBI Switch is supplied with apermanently affixed nameplate which provides theuser with data on that specific unit. The switch mayonly be applied within the limits identified on thisnameplate without additional modification. Thecatalogue number appearing on the nameplate willprovide the user with the following applicationinformation:The nameplate will also list the shop order number/style number of the unit which should be referencedwhen contacting the factory for technical support.A ratings nameplate will also be affixed to theswitch identifying the withstand, interrupting, andclosing ratings for which the unit is intended.DO NOT APPLY THIS PRODUCT AT RATINGSWHICH EXCEED THE VALUES NOTED ON THERATINGS LABEL OF THIS UNIT. EXCEEDING THENOTED RATINGS CAN CAUSE DEATH, SERIOUSPERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE.DESCRIPTIONThe Combination Bypass Isolation and TransferSwitch is a completely factory assembled and testedapparatus used in conjunction with standby powerdistribution equipment to provide alternate poweravailability to critical load circuits in the event orprimary power interruption and or requiredmaintenance activity.It consists of three (3) basic elements. (See Fig. 1.)1. Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS)The ATS performs the function of monitoring bothnormal and standby power sources andaccomplishing an automatic transfer of critical loadcircuits between these sources as dictated bysource availability. The normal source will be thepreferred source and the ATS will remain connectedto this source if available. The ATS consists of threebasic elements:Effective July 20071I.L. 16913ASwitch TypeBIHI/5BIH3/5BIHI/4BIH3/4BIHICombinationBypassIsolation andTransfer SwitchNo. ofSwitchedPoles2 = 2 Pole3 = 3 Pole4 = 4 PoleAmpereRating04000100 = 100A0150 = 150A0225 = 225A0300 = 300A0400 = 400A0600 = 600A0800 = 800A1000 = 1000AVoltageXA = 120VB = 208VW = 240VX = 480VE = 600VG = 220VM = 230VZ = 365VH = 380VN = 401VO = 415VSwitchFrameF = F FrameK = K FrameL = L FrameM = M FrameN = N FrameEnclosureTypeSS = Nema 1UU = ULC = CSAWARNING