Chapter 2: Modbus PLCs Using Modbus 19Micro 84/J375 Modbus AdapterThe J375 Modbus Adapter is a communications interface module for the Micro 84 PLC. The J375provides one RS232C port connection for use with intelligent RS232 devices. Also, port connectionsare provided for the Micro 84 controller and a P370 Micro 84 Programmer.The Modbus Adapter provides dipswitches at the rear of its case for address and system parameterselection. The user may select the number of stop bits, parity, and baud rate. Data bits are fixed at 7.Switch set one (S1) on the J375 determines the station address for the Micro 84. Station addresses areentered as binary numbers, where switch 1 is of lowest significance and switch 8 is of highestsignificance.Table 2 - Port 2 Dipswitch SettingsSwitches 1, 2, 3 and 4 of switch set two (S2) are used to configure the baud rate for the J375.Switches 5 and 6 are used to configure the parity for the J375.Note: When communicating with the Operator Station using ASCII Modbus, the parity selectedmust be ODD or EVEN.Switch 7 of switch set two (S2) is used to select the number of stop bits for the J375. With switch 7set ON, two stop bits are selected. With switch 7 set OFF, one stop bit is selected.Switch 8 of switch set two (S2) selects ASCII mode when it is OFF, or RTU mode when it is ON.Switch Set 2 Dipswitch Settings