I.B. 3A74792H04Page 16Effective 7/97SECTION 5: DESCRIPTION ANDOPERATION5-1 INTRODUCTIONThe Type VCP-W 38kV Vacuum Circuit Breaker is ahorizontal drawout roll on the floor design for use in newswitchgear, as well as for modernization and life exten-sion of existing switchgear. VCP-W 38kV Circuit Break-ers meet or exceed all applicable ANSI and IEEE Stan-dards.The circuit breaker is operated by a motor chargedspring type stored energy mechanism, charged normallyby an electric motor or manually by a manual chargingtool. The primary disconnecting contacts are self-align-ing, silver plated copper. VCP-W Circuit Breakers are ofa modular type construction containing a front accessiblemechanism with unobstructed access to control compo-nents. Self-contained vacuum interrupter pole unitassemblies are removable as complete individual units.The primary insulation used in the circuit breaker design iscycloaliphatic epoxy. Type SIS, AWG #14 control wire withcross-linked polyolefin insulation is used throughout thecontrol circuits with all terminals being of the screw type.This section describes the overall operation of the circuitbreaker as well as the function and operation of allmajor sub-assemblies and/or parts.5-2 INTERRUPTER ASSEMBLYThe VCP-W 38kV design utilizes three individuallymounted and removable pole units. Each pole unit isenclosed in a four sided continuous chimney typecycloaliphatic epoxy support molding. Black insulatingshrouds cover and seal the openings where upper andlower primary conductors enter and exit the cycloali-phatic epoxy enclosure (Figure 5-1). The disconnectingends of the primary conductors utilize round, floatingtype primary disconnecting finger clusters for interfacingwith the switchgear structure mounted primary conduc-tors.The rear portion of the circuit breaker truck, on whichthe pole units are mounted, utilizes a bolted on plate tocover a rectangular opening in the truck for circuitbreakers above 1600 amperes. Closure of the openingprovides for proper air circulation up through each poleunit enclosure on 2000 ampere and above circuit break-ers (Figure 5-2).Figure 5-1 Rear View Showing Pole Unit Enclosure Figure 5-2 Plate Over Rear Truck Opening 2000ABreakers and Above