8 Copyright © 2011 Eaton Industries Pty Ltd All Rights ReservedDocument IEE1157-007-03____________________________________________________________ General DescriptionSingle Plane System with Rear Link Bar Fitted Remove the bus link 2 to split the Live busDCM Chassis Earth ConnectionAn M10 clearance hole is provided in the rear area of the side panel for connecting the chassis earthcable, as shown below.Circuit Breaker OptionsThe plug-in circuit breaker positions accept Eaton Heinemann Hydraulic-Magnetic breakers typeAM/R and AM1P with the following ranges:- Single Pole BreakersThese plug into a single position and have an outgoing cable connection to the bar above thebreaker. Typical sizes supplied are 15A, 30A, 60A, 80A and 100A. These breakers use thesingle pole insulators supplied fitted to the DCM.The common positive cable connection to the same load connects to a single bolt position onthe front of the rear common bar.There are up to 20 off single pole positions, 10 connected to live input A and 10 connectedto live input B. Two Pole BreakersThese plug into a two pole position and have an outgoing cable connection to a two poleparalleling bar above the two breaker positions (which has larger stud size M10 for a largercable). Typical sizes supplied are 125A, 160A, 175A and 200A. These two pole positionsrequire a 2 pole insulator.