WARNINGIN ORDER TO AVOID ELECTRIC SHOCK OR OTHERPOSSIBLE INJURY:• DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT FOR HUMAN SAFETYAPPLICATIONS. IT WAS NOT DESIGNED, TESTED, ORRECOMMENDED FOR THIS USE.• DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT IN HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS(E.G., EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES). IT WAS NOT DESIGNED,TESTED, OR RECOMMENDED FOR THIS USE.• ENSURE THE PRODUCT IS PROPERLY WIRED TO THE CORRECTPOWER SUPPLY FOR THE APPLICATION. REFER TO THESPECIFICATIONS AND WIRING DIAGRAMS IN THIS MANUAL.Instruction Leaflet IL053007EN Effective October 2020IntroductionThe Eaton E56 High Noise Immunity pancake-style proximitysensor is a solid-state device used to detect metallic targetsat range. The E56 High Noise Immunity is available in twodifferent size categories with three sensing ranges: small(4-inch mounting baseplate) with a 0.5 inch sensing range, andlarge (5-inch mounting baseplate) with 1.0 and 1.5 inch sensingrange versions. Connectivity is provided by a preinstalledshielded cable. The sensor is mounted to a stainless steelbaseplate drilled for four-hole mounting. The E56 HighNoise Immunity inductive proximity sensor family providesrobustness and survivability in the most difficult applicationenvironments. The sensor family is rated to 200 Volts/meterof radiated noise and survives in high shock and high vibrationapplication environments. The E56 High Noise Immunityenclosure meets the requirements of NEMAT Type 4, 4X, 6,and 6P and is rated IP67 and IP68. Additional features includecomplementary outputs 1NO/1NC on DC models, and output/fault status indicator LEDs on applicable models. Sensors areavailable in four-wire DC and two-wire AC versions.Basic operationA proximity sensor generates a sensing field in the vicinity ofthe face of the sensor. When a metal object enters this field,it disturbs the field in a way that is recognized by a detectorcircuit, which then energizes the sensor output. E56 High NoiseImmunity sensors will detect all metals at similar distances,and are officially range-rated against 4130 steel. The exactdistance at which a target is detected is dependent upon thesize, thickness, and metallic composition of the target.To determine sensing distance with your target, see thesensing field diagrams on Page 2. These diagrams serveas a general reference and show where the target will bedetected for lateral slide-by) and axial (head-on) approaches.These curves must be corrected for smaller-than-standardtargets and for targets composed of other metals. Standardtargets are listed on Page 2.E56 High Noise Immunityinductive proximity sensorTable 1. Catalog numbering systemote:N Not all possible combinations shown in the table are offeredas standard.E56M B A D 05 A 20 LProduct familyE56M = E56 High NoiseImmunitySize (in inches)A = Baseplate: 4.0Sensing head: ø 3.4Sensing range: 0.5B = Baseplate: 5.0Sensing head: ø 4.5Sensing range: 1.0C = Baseplate: 5.0Sensing head: ø 4.5Sensing range: 1.5Output typeA = Normally openB = Normally closedC = 1 Normally open1 Normally closedVoltage typeC = AC 2-wireD = DC 4-wireConnectionA = Shielded cableCable lengthXX = Cable length (feet)LED indicationL = Versions withindicator LEDSensing range05 = 0.5 inch10 = 1.0 inch15 = 1.5 inch