Eaton Lighting Systems EG2-NA 9850-000225-02 7Ethernet Port MethodThe EG2-NA is supplied from the factorywithout DHCP enabled and with a factorydefault IP address assigned. In order tocommunicate to the EG2-NA using theEthernet port, the PC being used must beconfigured on the same subnet as the defaultIP address. For details of setting the IPaddress of your computer consult informationonline specific to your Operating System.If the EG2-NA you are configuring is at thefactory default settings, the following settingsare suggested when assigning a static IPaddress to your computer:Reset to Factory DefaultsFactory defaults may be reset by the followingprocedure:• Remove power from the board.• Press the CAN ID button and reapply power.Keep the button pressed until the CANLED flashes then stays on. At this point theEthernet settings will have been restored todefaults.• After setting to factory defaults, theIP address of the device will revert to192.168.0.100Once you have configured your PC’s IPaddress, connect the EG2-NA directly to thePC. It may be necessary to use a crossovercable, however, most current computers areable to connect directly to another Ethernetdevice using a standard Ethernet cable.iCANsoft will be used for the configurationprocess. Open iCANsoft, then select fromthe Toolbar Tools>Options>Network. Selectthe Ethernet Gateway option and change theIP Address to Ensure that the‘Use Password’ check box is ticked and thedefault password: Cooper123 is entered (casesensitive).Select OK to confirm.Search the network and load the EG2-NA intoiCANsoft. Follow the steps outlined in the PCNode Method section to configure the desiredIP Address for the EG2-NA.Once the IP Address settings have beenapplied, initialize the new settings in theEG2-NA device by pressing the reset buttonnext to the Ethernet conneciton or bydisconnecting and reapplying power.Once configuration is complete, if you willbe using iCANsoft through the ethernetconnection, you will need to update the IPAddress in the Toolbar Tools>Options>Networksection to match the settings you haveassigned to the unit. This screen will alsoallow you to re-select the option for PC Nodeto allow for direct PC Node access for thisdatabase.Factory Default IP Settings• IP Address• Subnet Mask• Gateway