86-86000-01 B01 - Page 6STEP 3 Rack Kit (continued)Power Module Front Panel Display and Rack InstallationE X 1 1 R TOFFONE X 1 1 R TOFFONE X 1 1 R TOFFONE X 1 1 R TOFFON123FINISHED PANEL(rack orientation)123A. Prepare the front panel logo and LCD display for rackorientation, of all modules (including transformer module,CLA charger, if equipped).B. Rack Installation OFFONEX 11 RTEXB RTEX RT Transformer2. POWER MODULE(middle, EX RT 5/7/11)3. BATTERY MODULE(bottom, EX RTEXB 5/7/11)1. EX RT Transformer(Top, EX RT 5/7/11)Layout of Modules in Rack Configuration34444 221445166 661. Attach both front mounting earbrackets to module with suppliedscrews. (For this step, it is possible toadjust the position of both frontmounting brackets.)2. Attach rear support brackets tomodule. These brackets prevent themodule from sliding out of the rack.3. Attach rails together and secure withwing nuts, and finger tighten. (bothsides).4. Attach both rails to rear and front ofrack with supplied flathead screws (asshown).5. Use caution when sliding unit into rack.Temporarily secure unit to rack withthumb screws on front mountingbrackets.6. Secure rear support brackets to rails.