- Page 17 - I.B. 8926-1HEATER SELECTION AND INSTALLATIONHeaters should be selected on the basis of the actualfull load current and service factor as shown on the mo-tor nameplate or in the motor manufacturer’s publishedliterature.When motor and overload relay are in the same ambi-ent and the service factor of the motor is 1. 1 5 to 1.25,select heaters and set FLA adjustment dial from theheater application table. If the service factor of themotor is 1.0, or there is no service factor shown, ro-tate the FLA adjustment dial counter-clockwise onehalf (1/2) position.The conductors attached to the terminals of an overloadrelay act as a heat sink and are a consideration in es-tablishing the current rating of each heater element. Toprevent nuisance tripping, which will occur if undersizedconductors are used, select the wire size as if the con-ductors had an insulation temperature rating of 75°C,even if the conductors actually used have a temperaturerating higher than 75°C.Protect heater and starter against short circuits by pro-viding branch circuit protection in accordance with theNational Electric Code.Note: Before installing heater packs, refer to the motornameplate for FLA (full load amps) and service factor(1.5 or 1.0). Select the heater pack from the proper tablebelow.To install:A. Insert three (3)identically numberedheater packs into theoverload relay withan FLA rating that in-cludes the motornameplate FLA (fullload amps).B. Tighten the heaterpack mountingscrews securely perr e c o m m e n d e dtorque values listedbelow.Heater Pack Numbers Recommended TorqueH2001B thru H2017B 9 lb-in [1 N - m]H2018 thru H2024 24-30 lb-in [2.7-3.4 N-m]C. Adjust the FLA adjustment dial to the motor name-plate FLA (full load amps).THE OVERLOAD IS NOWSET FOR 1.15 SERVICEFACTOR.D. If the motor nameplate is1.0 service factor, rotatethe FLA adjustment dialcounter-clockwise one half(1/2) position.E. The overload is factory setfor M (MANUAL) resetoperation. If automaticreset is required, turn thereset adjustment dial toA (AUTO). Automatic resetis not intended fortwo-wire control devices.TO REMOVE HEATER PACKSLoosen two (2) heater packs mounting screws and re-move heater pack from overload relay.OVERLOAD RELAY SETTING -This bimetalic ambientcompensated overload relay is adjustable within the FLArange of the heater pack. Each heater pack is markedwith its FLA ratings. With proper heater section, the over-load relay will ultimately trip at 125% FLA for a 1. 1 5service factor motor and at 115% FLA for a 1.0 servicefactor motor.HEATER SELECTION / INSTALLATION - Select the ap-propriate heater pack number which corresponds to themotor FLA rating for your application. Insert each heaterinto the overload relay and tighten heater mountingscrews securely per table below.NOTE: A total of three individual heaters must be in-stalled in order for the overload relay to work properly.Heater Pack Numbers TorqueH2001B thru H2017B 9 lb-inH2018 thru H2024 24-30 lb-inPART 7OVERLOAD RELAY HEATER SELECTION