Effective May 2010 2C15999H0205/10 AWA1230-2445Auxiliary switch kit inIZM low voltage circuit breakers warning(1) Only qualified electrical persOnnel shOuldbe permitted tO wOrk On the equipment.(2) always de-energize primary andsecOndary circuits if a circuit breakercannOt be remOved tO a safe wOrk lOcatiOn.(3) drawOut circuit breakers shOuld belevered (racked) Out tO the discOnnectpOsitiOn.(4) all circuit breakers shOuld be switchedtO the Off pOsitiOn and mechanism springsdischarged.failure tO fOllOw these steps fOr allprOcedures described in this instructiOnleaflet cOuld result in death, bOdily injury,Or prOperty damage. warningthe instructiOns cOntained in this awa and OnprOduct labels have tO be fOllOwed. Observethe five safety rules:– discOnnecting– ensure that devices cannOt beaccidentally restarted– verify isOlatiOn frOm the supply– earthing and shOrt-circuiting– cOvering Or prOviding barriers tOadjacent live partsdiscOnnect the equipment frOm the supply.use Only authOrized spare parts in the repairOf the equipment. the specified maintenanceintervals as well as the instructiOns fOrrepair and exchange must be strictly adheredtO prevent injury tO persOnnel and damage tOthe switchbOard.Section 1: General informationAn auxiliary switch is an optional device providingremote electrical indication if the circuit breaker isopen or closed. Up to three auxiliary switches canbe mounted in the circuit breaker. Each switch hastwo normally open (“A”) and two normally closed(“B”) contacts for a total of 12 available contacts.Section 2: Installation of theauxiliary switchTo install the auxiliary switch, proceed with thefollowing five steps:Step 1: Remove the front cover by unscrewingthe hex head captive bolts (four for three-pole,six for four-pole) that join the cover to the breakerhousing using a 10 mm 1/4-inch drive socket.Then hold the charge handle down approximately45 degrees to pull off the cover.Step 2: Place the appropriate label on thefront cover nameplate space located under“Accessories.”Figure 1. Steps 1 and 2Label Bolt