Electric current! Danger to life!Only skilled or instructed persons may carry out thefollowing operations.Lebensgefahr durch elektrischen Strom!Nur Elektrofachkräfte und elektrotechnischunterwiesene Personen dürfen die im Folgendenbeschriebenen Arbeiten ausführen.Tension électrique dangereuse !Seules les personnes qualifiées et averties doiventexécuter les travaux ci-après.¡Corriente eléctrica! ¡Peligro de muerte!El trabajo a continuación descrito debe ser realizadopor personas cualificadas y advertidas.Tensione elettrica: Pericolo di morte!Solo persone abilitate e qualificate possono eseguirele operazioni di seguito riportate.触触电电危危险险!!只允许专业人员和受过专业训练的人员进行下列工作。Электрический ток! Опасно для жизни!Только специалисты или проинструктированныелица могут выполнять следующие операции.endefresitzhruEmergency On Call Service: Local representative (www.eaton.eu/aftersales) or +49 (0) 180 5 223822 (de, en) 1/4Instruction LeafletMontageanweisungNotice d’installationInstrucciones de montajeIstruzioni per il montaggio安安装装说说明明Инструкция по монтажу02/15 IL01219016Z(AWA1230-2497)NZM4-XHB-DA(R)(-OAG)(-NA)Door Mounted Rotary Handle kit for Supply CircuitDisconnecting Means, complete with internalSupplementary Handle (shown at left) for compliancewith the provisions of NFPA 79, Electrical Standard forIndustrial Machinery, and UL 508A, Safety Standard forIndustrial Control Panels.For use with NZM4, NS4 (-NA) E31593, E148671Molded Case Circuit Breakers and SwitchesUL File No. E140305 (DIHS) UL/CSA Type 4X, 12CSA File No. LR 22086+TripOFFRESETNO!1Push totrip12Z 2432Z 21 22134 mm(0.16”)4 x44 xZ23.5 Nm(30.98 lb-in)561+TripOFFRESETNO!74 x1 Nm(8.85 lb-in)Z2+TripOFFRESETNO!