06/21 IL03801011Z3/4Installation of conduits and grounding of equipment enclosures.These enclosures are intended for wall mounting only!Connection of metallic and non-metallic conduitsVerbindung von metallischen undnicht-metallischen InstallationsrohrenRaccordement de tubes conducteurs métalliqueset non-métalliquesConexión de conductos metálicos y no metálicosconductosMaximum permissible size of conduit entryMaximal zulässige Größe der Installations-rohreinführungEntrée de câbles max. admiseTamaño máximo admisible de la entrada delconductoNational Electric Code (N.E.C. – USA)Canadian Electric Code (C.E.C. – Canada)2 x ½“ conduit – 2 x ½“ Installationsrohr –2 x ½“ canalisation – 2 x ½“ conductoa Connector hubb Use trade size conduit fittingsc Grounding conductord Equipment grounding terminale LocknutConduit trade size inches ½ ¾ 1 1 – ¼ 1 – ½Hole diameter inches 7/ 8 1 – 11/ 8 1 – 13/ 8 1 – ¾ 2mm 22 28 35 44 50① On-Off switches② On-Off switches (Complete rotation in both directions)③ + ⑤ Change over switches with OFF-Position④ Change over switches with OFF-Position (Pulse contact with spring return)⑥ Change over switches without OFF-Position⑦ Voltage-Ammeter selector switches⑧ Position⑨ Voltage⑩ Current⑪ Star-delta switches⑫ Wattmeter selector switches⑬ Reversing switches⑭ Fractional HP MotorReversing (auxiliary winding)⑮ Reversing star-delta switches1 2 3endefresendefresa e d cb WARNINGEmpty enclosures and enclosures usedwith switches for the North Americanmarket have no knock-outs in the endwalls of the enclosure. Conduit entriesmust be drilled to suit as shown.The metric size conduit entries whichappear in product dedicated IL…Instruction Leaflet supplied withenclosed switches do not apply toNorth American switch enclosures.enen WARNINGFirst secure the connector hub onto the conduit.Then secure conduit with connector hub into the enclosure hole, using the locknut for fixing.Bonding and grounding bushings are not required.enen