27Service ProcedureHorizontal Alignment (Azimuth)The Antenna Assembly must be facing straight ahead (azi-muth) of the truck in order to optimally detect objects in thesame lane as the truck is driving.1. Select two truck reference points that are identicaland symmetrical about the truck centerline. Ensurethe reference points selected are equally aligned.Items such as fenders and headlights should not bedamaged or distorted, otherwise, the alignment willbe incorrect.2. Place a 6’ (2 m) long straight edge across theAntenna Assembly face. Center the straight edgehorizontally.3. Measure the distance between the reference pointsand the face of the straight edge.4. Adjust the Antenna Assembly, if necessary, left orright until the two measurement points are equal,within ± ¼ " (.6 mm). Determine from the measure-ment which side of the Antenna Assembly needs tobe adjusted.For example, if the right side of the AntennaAssembly needs to come forward to make themeasurement to the reference point on eachside of the straight edge equal, loosen only thetwo (2) 5/32" (4 mm) allen screws on the rightside of the Antenna Assembly. Move theAntenna Assembly forward until the measure-ment is equal. This will maintain the AntennaAssembly at -.5° vertical down position.5. Torque the four (4) 10/32 screws with a 5/32"(4 mm) allen wrench to 24-26 lbs. in. (2.7-2.9 N•m).6. Repeat steps for Vertical Alignment and HorizontalAlignment until the criteria for both steps are metwithout any adjustments.