PEX8533 PCI EXPRESS SWITCHThe XMCspan provides an eight-lane (x8) PCI Express interface that expands the VME bus board. This PCI Expressinterface is available at connector J3, and connected to the uplink port Port 0 of the PCI Express Switch PEX8533.The PEX8533 gives PCI Express switching capability that conforms to the latest revision of the PCI Express Basespecification.PEX8533 STATION AND PORT CONFIGURATIONThe 32 PCI Express lanes are implemented equally across two stations, and are connected by the internal switchfabric to the central RAM. Each station supports up to 16 SerDes modules that are integrated on the chip, andprovide the 32 PCI Express hardware interface lanes. The lanes can be combined to create one to three portsper station. Each port implements the PCI Express Base R1.1 physical, data link, and transaction layer.XMCSPAN STACKINGThe XMCspan provides a second eight-lane (x8) PCI Express interface to allow a second XMCspan module tobe stacked on top of the VME base board. This interface is available at PCI Express expansion output connectorJ4, and connected to the downlink port Port 8 of PEX8533.MEZZANINE CARD SITESThe XMCspan has two mezzanine card sites that support XMC, PMC, and PrPMC modules. PMC-mode, XMC-mode, or dual-mode mezzanine cards are also supported.The mezzanine cards are compliant with:• IEEE 1386-2001• IEEE 1386.1-2001• ANSI/VITA 32-2003• ANSI/VITA 35-2000• ANSI/VITA 39-2003• ANSI/VITA 42.0-2005• ANSI/VITA 42.3-2006MEZZANINE CARD IDENTIFICATIONThe mezzanine cards can be identified by reading the VPD serial EEPROM. The connector signals MSCL andMSCA are connected to the I2C bus.6806800H03A | XMCspan Installation and Use | 37Functional Description