Eaton Advanced ePDU Troubleshooting Guide P-164000140—Rev 1 6Chapter 2 TroubleshootingThis chapter provides details for troubleshooting power outlets for the Eaton Advanced Enclosure PowerDistribution Unit (ePDU) models. Table 2 lists fault conditions, potential causes, and possible troubleshootingactions you can take in response to problems.CAUTIONBe aware that restarting or powering-off the ePDU will turn off power to all connected loads andequipment.Power OutletsTable 2. Power Outlet TroubleshootingProblem Possible Root Cause ActionsOutlet LED is Off: No power tothe outlet, but the Webinterface reports that theoutlet is Onl Web interface is lockedl Communication issuel Internal issuel Wrong IP address: You aremonitoring the wrong ePDU1 - Press the F5 or page refresh button in the Web browser.2 - Close and restart the Web browser or try another Web browser(Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and so on).3 - Refer to the Eaton Advanced ePDU User’s Guide and/or restart theNetwork Management Card with the reset button (R) on the product(press for 1 or 2 seconds). Outlets will not restart during this process.4 - Cycle the outlet control (On/Off) using the Web interface. If theoutlet LED is still Off, restart the ePDU and then reconnect the device toePDU.5 - Check the Media Access Control (MAC) address on the device and inthe Web pages.Outlet LED is On, but there isno power to outletl Circuit breaker (CB) hastrippedl Internal issue (outlet relay isopen)1 - Check the CB state on the ePDU.NOTE In a normal situation, the LED should be Off with a tripped CBfor Managed (MA) and Advanced Monitored (AM) ePDUsonly.2 - Restart the ePDU and check again.Outlet LED is Off, but there ispower to outletl Internal failure 1 - Cycle the outlet (On/Off) using the Web interface.2 - Restart the product and check again.Outlet LED is blinking l Critical alarm on the outletl Internal failure1 - Check the LCD screen. If the LCD screen is blinking amber/blue, acritical alarm is present. Check the outlet settings, measurements, andelectrical conditions. The alarm does not clear until the outlet conditionis back to normal (cannot manually suppress the alarm).IEC plug falls from the ePDUduring normal operationl Current technology does notoffer IEC locking and it is aknown issue in IEC socket/plug design1 - An optional cable retention tray has been designed to prevent thisproblem. Only use P/N: KBLT01. Visit formore information.NOTE If the actions listed in this table do not resolve the problem, contact customer service or a local representative for guidance and/orreplacement (see “Contacting Service and Support” on page 5).