EATON xChargeIn FAQs commissioning and service techniciansEATON xChargeIn, FAQs commissioning v2.20 11© EATON 2018Power unit fault 6 - Configuration or hardwarefaultThe status LED displays 0110 "blue red red blue"Metering configured but not working - Thecharging station has detected a metering functionfault.Error Log Entry „8006“Check to see if the DIP switch settings areconfigured correctly (See installation manual inthe "DIP switch settings" chapter). If the DIPswitches are configured correctly and the faultcontinues, please contact your dealer or servicepartnerPower unit fault 7 - Internal hardware faultThe status LED displays 0111 "blue red red red"Contactor FB not OK - The internal switching-current or fault-current mechanism has triggeredError Log Entry „8007“Disconnect the charging station briefly from themains (FI or circuit line breaker) and startcharging procedure again. If the problempersists, please contact your dealer or servicepartnerPower unit fault 8 - Internal software faultThe status LED displays 1000 "red blue blueblue"Configuration missing - An internal software faultis presentError Log Entry „8008“Please contact your dealer or service partnerPower unit fault 9 - Internal software faultThe status LED displays 1001 "red blue blue red"Nwdog not triggered - An internal software fault ispresentError Log Entry „8009“Please contact your dealer or service partnerPower unit fault 12 – Temperature faultThe status LED displays 1010 "red blue red blue"Temperature - The power unit of the chargingstation has detected an overtemperatureError Log Entry „800c“Interrupt the charging procedure and continuewith it at a later point in time. If the fault occursagain, check whether the device is installed at asuitable location (see installation manual in the"General criteria for the site selection" chapter)