8What are the other navigation options?When you tap Navigate to..., you can set your destination in many ways, notjust by entering the address. The other options are listed below:Status barpreferencesTap Status bar preferences in the Preferences menu, to enable or disablearrival time notifications.Select the required options on the first menu screen and then tap Done.To enable arrival time notifications, select Show leeway to arrival time.HomeTap this button to navigate to your Home location.You will probably use this button more than any other.FavoriteTap this button to select a Favorite as your destination.AddressTap this button to enter an address as your destination.RecentdestinationTap this button to select your destination from a list of places you haverecently used as destinations.Point ofInterestTap this button to navigate to a Point of Interest (POI).Point on mapTap this button to select a point on the map as your destination using themap browser.LatitudeLongitudeTap this button to enter a destination using latitude and longitude values.TomTomBuddyTap this button to navigate to the last known position of a TomTom Buddy.Don’t forget that the Buddy may move before you reach him.23 12