23TroubleshootingSymptom Cause of Failure RecommendationLED not illu-minating, thedetector notworking.1. Run out of batterypower; check if reversebattery polarity.2. Check if the detec-tor is our of order.1. Replace battery.2. Do not open thedetector; contact sup-plier.LED cannot bedisplayed andthe detectornot workingwhen pressingthe test button.1. Reverse battery polar-ity or poor battery con-nections.2. Run out of batterypower.3. Button pressing time isnot long enough; it shouldbe pressed and held formore than 1 second.1. Refit the batterywith correct polarity.2. Replace battery.3. Press and hold thebutton for longer than1 second.The detectordoes not stayawake for 10minutes whenpower is firstsuppliedCheck if detector is outof orderRemove the battery,press link key severaltimes to release theexisting battery powerand wait for approx.10seconds before replac-ing the battery.WarningDo not dispose of electrical appliances along with gen-