• Top caps on the washerand dryer must beremoved and replacedwith a top sheet kit. Theaddition of a standard1-1/2" thick countertopover the pair will resultWasherTop SheetDryerTop SheetCountertopABC3/4" High x 3/4" WideLip on All SidesDIMENSION A:14" recommended,however this laundry paircan be elevated to suitcustomer needs.• All four sides of the plat-form should be perman-ently secured andextend a minimum of3/4" above the platform.• Height is only limited bythe use of overheadcabinetry.• The standpipe heightmust be increased toaccommodate additionalinstallation height.DIMENSION B:• The platform must beconstructed to include a3/4" high and 3/4" widelip all the way aroundthe top edge. The outsidedepth should be 29"minimum. Considerationshould be given to thelocation of the washerstandpipe and dryerduct run.DIMENSION C:• The outside widthshould be wide enoughto accommodate thelaundry pair, plus a 3/4"lip on each side.Recommend 56" to60" width.• The platform surfacemust be constructed tominimum code floorrequirements.• The structure must besecured to a rear wall.• To complete theinstallation followinstructions packed withthe washer and dryer.• Order Built-In Instruc-tions, Pub. No. 14-T029• No trim kits required.in a standard 36"countertop height.• Install the washer anddryer according to theinstallation instructionspacked with theproducts.Built-InUnder CounterCreate an efficient work space for folding and storage.• Install an extra deepcountertop to accom-modate the laundry pair.Adjacent cabinets can bemoved forward to alignwith the front face of thewasher and dryer.• Order Accessory Kits:Washer Pub. No. 14-A037Dryer Pub. No. 14-A008Elevate the pair for easy accessibility and a custom appearance.I n s t a l l a t i o n O p t i o n s