We’ll Be ThereWith the purchase of-your new GE appliance, receive the assurmce that if’~x)u e~wr need/ /information m-assistance from GE, we’ll be there. All \TOU have to clo is call—toll--f’ree!.In-Home Repair Service800-GEXARES(800432-2737)GEAnswer Center@80~6262000W’hate\er }(~ur question about an~’ (;E major appliance, GE .Inswel (Uentc’rsinformation scr~ice is a~ailahle to help. Your- call-and J’OUX- question- \\’ill lWanswered promptl~” and collrteo~~sly.” :Ind JOU can call ln~ tirnc’. (;1+; .-ln~~~ erCenter” ser~ice is ;)pen 24 hollrs a &~~, 7 da)s a ;\’eek. ‘Ikr Customers With801Z62ti2000Upon request, (;I; will pro~ideBraille controls for a ~ariet~ of (;klappliances, and a brf )chu re toassist i n plann i n ,g a barric>r-f-reekitchen for person$ ~$rith lilnitedmobility. ‘1’() ob~ain LheSe items,fi-ee of charge, call 800.62 (;.2000.Special Needs...Service Contracts800-626-2224You can ha~’e the secure feeling that (1E (h)nsumer Sert’ice will still be t l]ereafter }our ww-rant} expires. Purchase a (;E contract \thile ~our ~j-arrant~ is stillin effect and }roll 11 receit’e a substantial ciiscoun t. Jj’ith a lnultiple-~ear (ont ract.you’re assured of’future serkricc zIL L0day7’s prices.Parts andAccessories800-626-2002Individuals qualified to service their own appliances User maintenance instructions contained in this bookletcan have needed parts or accessories sent direct 1} to cover procedures intended to be performed by any user.their home. The GE parts s}stem prot.ides access’ to ot’er Other servicing generally should be referred to qualified4’7,000 parts . . and all CJE Genuine Renewal Parts are service personnel. Caution must be exercised, sincefully warranted. VISA, Master(;ard and Ihsccm’er cards improper servicing may cause unsafe operation.are accepted.—