Before Using Your C-Mm1. L(xJ~ at the controls. Be sure you understand how to 3. Read o~~er the information and tips that follow.set them properly. Read o~er the directions for the 4. Keep this guide handy so you can refer to it,(Xen Contrt~ls S0 you understand how’ to use lhcln. especially during the first weeks of using your2. Chtx.>li i hc t~i’en i n[cri(}r Look at the shelves. Take a new range.priicticc run at remo~ing and replticing thempr{qxriy, 10 gi~ c ~ure, sturdy jupport.Oven Shelves“l-he shelves are designed with stop-locks so thatwhen placed correctl~- on the shelf’ supports, theywill stop bef’ore coming completely out from theo\Jen, and will not tilt when remoy ing food from orplacing food on them.To replace, placethe shelf on the shelfsupport with thestop-locks (curvedextension under theshel [) facing up [owardthe rear of [he oyen.Tilt up the front andpush the shelf towarcithe back of the o~ enuntil it goes pa~t the\/;,bump on the shelf support. Then lower thefront of the shelf and push it all the way back.Shelf PositionsThe oven ha~ 4 shelf SLIppOI-tS as ickntified inthis i!l Llstr:]t ion as A (kx)ttom ). B, C and D ( top). )She] t pL)\ition\ f’or cool; ing ffmd arc ~Lrgge~tedi n tht B ah i r~g. Roasting and B rt)i 1 i n: wet iol~.1.———--Oven Light(on w}nlc models)Automatic Oven Shut Off15