l Make sure all the cookware used in yourmicrowaveoven is suitable for microwaving.Mostglasscasseroles,cookingdishes,measuringcups,custardcups,potteryor chinadinnerwarewhichdoesnot have metallictrimor glazewith ametallicsheencan be used.Somecookwareislabeled“suitablefor microwaving.”l If you are not sure if a dish is microwave-safe,use this test:Placein the oven boththe dish you aretestingand a glassmeasuringcup filledwith one cup water—set the measuringcupeitherin or nextto thedish.Microwave”for-l minuteat high.If the dishheats,it shouldnot be used for microwaving.If the dish remainscooland only the waterin thecup heats,then the dish is microwave-safe,l Paper towels,wax paper and plastic wrapcan be used to coverdishesin orderto retainmoistureand preventspattering.Be sure to ventplasticwrap so steamcan escape.l Some microwaved foods require stirring,rotating or rearranging. See the cookbook.l Steam builds up pressure in foods whichare tightly covered by a skin or membrane.Piercepotatoes,egg yolksand chickenliversto preventbursting,All these things are normal with your l The microwavefan mayoperatewithbothovensmicrowave oven: off. It is coolingthe controland will turn itselfoff.l Steamor vaporescapingfromaroundthe door. l SomeTV-Radiointerferencemightbe noticedwhile*Lightreflectionaroundthe dooror the outercase. usingyour microwaveoven.It’ssin]ilarto theinterferencecausedby othersmallappliancesand*Dimmingof the oven lightand changein the blower does not indicatea problemwithyouroven.soundmayoccurwhileoperatingat powerlevelsotherthan high. l A dull thumpingsoundwhilethe oven is operating.HOW TO USE THE HOLD TMRThe hold timer has three timing functions:l It operatesas a minutetimer,l It can be set to delaycooking.@It can be used as a hold settingafterdefrosting.The holdtimeroperateswithoutmicrowaveenergy.How to Time a 3-MinutePhone CallDHOLD 1. Pressthe HOLDTIMERpad.o3. Pressthe STARTpad. The displayshowsTl~ER START the time countingdown.mmE(71~12*p:~9j]o 4. Whentime is up, the ovencontrolsignals.~~~~~ flOSeCOnds)14