Opemting Your fineline@ ModelHeat-Cool Control%sition this control for either coolingor heating operation.OFF turns air conditioner off.HEAT provides heating only.COOL provides cooling only.AUTO provides heating and/orcooling necessary to maintain thedesired room temperature.Temperature ControlPosition this control at thedesired temperature setting and thattemperature will automatically bemaintained.A normal time delay of up to threeminutes may be required for theair conditioner to respond tochanges in the temperature seti.ng.ControkFan ControlSet this control for the desired fanoperation.ON permits continuous fan operationeven when the air conditioner is notcooling or heating.AU~ permits fan operation onlywhen the air conditioner is coolingor heating.ThermometerThe thermometer shows the actualroom temperature.For best distribution of cold air,tilt the louvers up so the cold air isdirected toward the ceiling.For best heat distribution, tilt thelouvers down so the heated air isdirected across the room.For ARI heating and coolingcertification, the air louvers aretilted straight out as shown above(30 degrees from the vertical axis).3