GE CA10 Use And Care Manual
Also see for CA10: Use and careUse and care guideUse and care
After yourfreezer isin operation,do nottouchthe coldsurfaces,parti-cularlywhenhandsare dampor wet.Skin may adhere to these extremelycold surfaces.@M notoperate yourfreezer in thepresence of explosivefumes.poor or questionable, get rid of it.The food “maybe dangerous to eat.Even partial thawing and refreezingreduce the eating quality of foods,particularly fruits, vegetables, andprepared foods. The eating quality ofred meats is affected less than thatof many other foods. Use refrozenfoods as soon as possible–theywon ‘t keep as long as foods frozenonly once, and the sooner they?eused, the better their eating will be.~ If yourold freezer isstillarouridthe housebut not in use, be sureto remove the lid or door.This willreduce the possibility of danger tochildren.Rm@ all itistructiotisbeforq usingthis appliance.——~m–-.,. ~..~1 -~,,,’ .’! , ,. ~,,~~HNING-Wheti Usingthis ‘. ? Mn;t refreezefrozenfoodswhichappliance, always ex6r~ise basic, havethawed,completely. ‘safety preb~btions, indlu~ing’the ~ , You ma~safely refree2e frozenfollowing: .’, ~ ,, ~ . , - foods that $ave thawed if they still,, .< .:,@Use thisappli?pce~nly fourits . ,contain jck crystals or if they areintendedpurposeas d~$~ribed-in ~still cold-below 40°F.,(Shellfishthis Use and Cafe Book, ., ~ ~; ‘bannot be kept above 10°F safely,., ..‘.,+. -~because of bacteria growth..) ,0 Thisfieezer;mustpq ~r~p~rly ,-‘,?hawed ground meats, poultry,install%din ati.qoicfahc~tith the” “Installationihstr@titionsbefo~eit is ‘‘ ‘.‘or fish that have any off-odor oroff-color s,~ouldnot be refrozenused:See grbunding’ instructions ~ ~~~beJowand on page 2. [ ‘ and should not be eaten, Thawed ~ice cream snould be discarded. If ‘~ Never unplugyourfreezer by the odor or color of any food ispullingon the ~wer cord.Alwaysgrip plug firmly and pull straightout from th~ receptacle.* Repairor replace immediatelyall electricservicecordsthat havebecome frayed or otherwise dam-aged. Do not use a cord that showscracks or abrasion damage along itslength or at either the plug or con-nector end.Caution should be used whefiremoving the door of a freezer,Particular ctiutironshouJdbe used ~when removing the lid of a chestfreezer, as most chest freeze~ lids ,are under spring tension. Cbntactthe manufacturer’s ~representativefor a method of safe removal.,,.A. Before making any repairs.Note: Westrongly recommetid -that any servicing be performedby a qualified ind~vidtial. “B. Before cleaning. ~C. Before replacing a burqed-outlight bulb (on models tith lamp),the freezer should be unpluggedin order to avoid contact with alive wire filament. (A burned-outlight bulb may break when beingreplaced.)Note: Turning controi to OFFposition does not remove powerto the light circuit.SAVETHESEiNSTRUCTIONS--Installation Requirements IMPORTANT,..PIeaSeReadC~~efUiiYHow toconnectelectricityFor personal safety,this appliance mustbeproperly grounded.The power cord of this applianceis equipped with a three-prong(grounding) plug which mates witha standard three-prong (grounding)‘~f~il receptacle (Fig. 1) to minimize~,T.=r=___.+~.~% e possibility of electric shockhazard from this appllance.PREFERREDMETHODINSUREPROPERT GROUNDEXISTSBEFOREUSEFig. 1 /Have the wall receptacle andcircuit checked by a qualifiedelectrician to make sure thereceptacle is properly grounded.Where a standard two-prong wallreceptacle is encountered, it is thepersonal responsibility and obli-gation of the customer to have itreplaced with a properly groundedthree-prong wall receptacle.Do NOT, UNDER ANY circum-stances,CUT OR REMOVETHE THIRD [GROUND] PRONGFROM THE POWER CORD.(continued next page)1 Pan No. 46831OPO4 |
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