Defrosting Instructions%(“ ot use any electrical device‘“ii defrosting your freezer.Depending on the climate you livein, humidity and usage, yourfreezer may need defrosting only, once or twice a year. If possible,choose a time to defrost when foodsupply is lowest.The Fastest Way to DefrostDefrosting can be done quickly andeasily by scraping freezingsurfaces with a plastic scraper orwooden spatula when frost is morethan 1/4 inch thick.DO NOT use an ice pick or sharpedged instrument as it maydamage or scratch the freezer.For Periodic CompleteCleaning and Frost RemovalIf frost is too thick or too hard to bescraped, we suggest you do thefollowing:1.Remove power cord plug fromoutlet.2. Remove all food from freezer.Food may be temporarily stored inlarge corrugated paper boxes,insulated bags, towels or wrappedin newspapers to preserve coldness.3. Your freezer has a defrostwater drain at the front and a hoseadapter that is packaged in a bagin the bottom of freezer. Removedrain cap on front of freezer, inserthose connector and attach hose.After attaching hose, removedrain plug inside cabinet.Sponge remaining moisture fromthe bottom of the freezer.4. You may hasten defrosting byleaving the freezer lid open and ‘removing large, loose pieces offrost before they melt, or by addingpans of hot water.Note: Water may drip from the backflange of the lid cover duringdefrosting. This is normal. Icebuilds up in the lid insulation whenthe lid is open for adding orremoving food and melts duringthe defrosting operation.5. After frost is completelyremoved, rinse the inside of thefreezer with a solution of warmwater and baking soda (about onetablespoon of soda to each quart ofwater). You may use mild soap andwarm water, but follow with abaking soda solution. Rinse withclean water and wipe dry. DO NOTuse harsh or gritty cleaners in theinterior.Warning: When cleaning in thevicinity of electrical parts(lamps, switches, controls, etc.)wring excess moisture out ofsponge or cloth so that it will bebarely damp to prevent water orliquid from getting into anyelectrical part and causing apossible shock hazard.6. Replace the drain plug insidethe cabinet and the cap on thedefrost drain.7. Fold over and dry the gasket onthe hinge side of the lid.8. Plug in the freezer at the electricaloutlet. Turn the temperature controlto its regular position and returnfood to the freezer.