Operating InstructionsOther dryer features your model hasUse this option to minimize thewrinkles in clothes. It providesapproximately 15 minutes ofno-heat tumbling after the clothesare dry.This option can only be used withthe Automatic cycles.HINT:If the Signal option is selected, thesignal will sound at the end of thedrying time and will sound severaltimes during the Extra Care cycle.This will remind you that the cycleis almost complete.Extra CareSelecting RESET OPTIONS cancelsall options that have been selected. RESETOPTIONSReset OptionsBefore replacing the light bulb,be sure to unplug the dryer powercord or disconnect the dryer at thehousehold distribution panel byremoving the fuse or switching offthe circuit breaker. Reach abovethe dryer opening from inside thedrum. Remove the bulb andreplace with the same size bulb.Drum Lamp10This signal will sound just beforethe end of the cycle to remind youto remove the clothes.If you selected the Extra Care optionthe signal will sound at the the end ofthe drying time and will sound sever-al times during the Extra Care cycle.This will remind you that the cycle isalmost complete.NOTE:•Remove garments promptly at thesound of the signal. Place clotheson hangers so wrinkles won’t set in.•Use the Signal especially whendrying fabrics like polyester knitsand permanent press. These fabricsshould be removed promptly sowrinkles won’t set in.Signal