– 8 –4. Cover the blade of a putty knife or small flatscrewdriver (to avoid scratching the paint)and use the edge to gently pry the color-matched screw cap off the screw heads.Note: Keep the screws with the center hinge.These are longer screws and will be used wheninstalling the center hinge on the opposite sideof the cabinet.5. Remove 3 Torx head screws and the centerhinge.6. Remove the mullion cover using the puttyknife or screwdriver. Install the cover on theopposite side of the cabinet.7. Install the center hinge with the three longscrews on the opposite side of the cabinet.Replace the color-matched cap.8. Move the metal door stop and any associatedscrews to the opposite side of the door.Fresh Food Door Handles1. Remove the plug button by carefully pryingunderneath the edge with a small, flat blade.Remove the screw that fastens the bottom ofthe handle to the door. Remove the lowerpart of the long handle (some models).2. Remove the 2 screws and the handle fromthe top of the door.Screw CapMullion CoverHandle PlugHandlePlugHandlePlugPinHoleShortScrewShort HandleLong Handle