7Care and cleaning of the freezer. GEAppliances.comCleaning Your Freezer Outside. Protect the paint finish. The finishon the outside of the freezer is a high quality,baked-on paint finish. With proper care, itwill stay new-looking and rust-free for years.Apply a coat of appliance polish wax whenthe freezer is new and then at least twice ayear. Appliance polish wax also works well toremove tape residue from freezer surfaces.Keep the finish clean. Wipe with a clean clothlightly dampened with appliance polish waxor mild liquid dishwashing detergent. Dry andpolish with a clean, soft cloth. Do not wipe thefreezer with a soiled dishwashing cloth or wettowel. Do not use scouring pads, powderedcleaners, bleach, or cleaners containingbleach.NOTICE: Care should be taken in movingthe freezer away from the wall. All types offloor coverings can be damaged, particularlycushioned coverings and those withembossed surfaces. Inside. Clean the inside of your freezer atleast once a year. We recommend that thefreezer be unplugged before cleaning. If thisis not practical, wring excess moisture out ofsponge or cloth when cleaning in the vicinityof switches, lights or controls.Use warm water and baking soda solution–about a tablespoon of baking soda to aquart of water. Rinse thoroughly with waterand wipe dry. Do not use cleaning powdersor other abrasive cleaners. DO NOT washremovable parts in a dishwasher.An open box of baking soda in the freezer willabsorb stale freezer odors. Change the boxevery three months.CAUTION 'DPSREMHFWVVWLFNWRFROGPHWDOVXUIDFHV'2127WRXFKLQWHULRUPHWDOVXUIDFHVZLWKZHWRUGDPSKDQGVIn Case of Extended Power Failure Keep freezer lid closed. Your freezer will keepfood frozen for 24 hours provided warm air isnot admitted. If freezer is out of operation for 24 hours ormore, add dry ice. Leave ice in large pieces.Add more ice as required.CAUTION +DQGOLQJRIGU\LFHFDQFDXVHIUHH]LQJRIWKHKDQGV³JORYHVRURWKHUSURWHFWLRQLVUHFRPPHQGHG If dry ice is not available, move food to aIUR]HQIRRGORFNHUWHPSRUDULO\³XQWLOSRZHULVrestored.Preparing to MoveDisconnect the power cord plug from thewall outlet. Remove foods, defrost (on ManualDefrost models) and clean the freezer.Secure all loose items such as baskets bytaping them securely in place to preventdamage.Be sure freezer stays in upright position duringactual moving and during transportation. Thefreezer must be secured during transportationto prevent movement. Protect outside offreezer with blanket.