GE FH26C Use And Care Manual
SuggetiFRESH MEATSRoasts (Beef, Venison)Roasts (Lamb). .,Roasts (Pork &Veal)Steaks (Beef). .Chops (Lamb) .Chops (Pork)Ground &Stew MeatsVariety Meats (Beef)Variety Meats (Pork) .,Sausage (Pork)Stomge Times(Months) (Months)O°F. COOKED POULTRY O°F.6-12 Pieces (covered with broth) .. ......66-9 Pieces (not covered) . . . . . ........14-a Cooked Poultry Dishes . ..........4-66-12 Fried Chicken . . . . . . . . . . ........46-93-4..3-4 Shellfish Upto4. 3-4 Lean Fish Upto62-3 Fatty Fish Upto21-2 Shrimp (raw, unpeeled) . . . . .......12Opossum; Rabbit, Squirrel . .......6-8PROCESSED MEATSBacon ., .1Frankfurters . 1/2-1Ham(whole, half or slices). ,1-2COOKED MEATSCooked Meats & Main Dishes ... ..2-3Gravy& Meat Broth .2-3FRESH POULTRYChicken &Turkey (whole) . . .......12Chicken (pieces) . . . . . . . . ........9Turkey (pieces) .. ....,6Duck & Goose (whole). ., .. ....6Giblets . . . . ,3Game Birds. a-12Shrimp (cooked) . ...............2-3PRODUCEMost Fruits & Vegetables. ... a-12Asparagus .6-aMushrooms. Up to 6Onions .. .3-6Citrus Fruits . ..................3-4Potatoes (french-fried). . ..........2-3BAKERY GOODSBreads, Quick (baked). . . . ........2Breads, Yeast (baked) 4-aBreads, Yeast (unbaked) 1/2Cakes (frosted) . ................1-2Cakes (unfrosted) . ..............3-4Cookies. ..3-4Pastry (unbaked) . ...............2-3Pies, Fruit (baked) Up to 1Pies, Fruit (unbaked) . ............2-4(Months)DAIRY PRODUCTS O°F.Butter (salted) ..3Butter (unsalted) . ..........5-6Cottage Cheese . . . . . . . . .......,1Soft Cheese . ..................2-4Hard or Semi-hard Cheese .. ......6Eggs (remove from shell). . . .......12Ice Cream, Sherbet Up to 1Milk ..1OTHER FOODSCandies ..12Left-overs(cooked) Up to 1Pizza ..1Prepared Dishes . ...............1-2Sandwiches Upto 1Soups, Stews, Casseroles. . .......2-3New techniques are constantly beingdeveloped. Consult the County ExtensionService or your local Utility Company forthe latest information on freezing and storingfoods.F~i~ Meat, Fish, Poulty & GamePmpamtion atipacbgingPackage meat, poultry, fish andgame in moisture/vapor-proofmaterial such as aluminum foil,cellophane, freezer foil or plasticbags. Exclude as much air aspossible. Label and freeze at once.N~E: Packages of fresh meatsand poult~ as commonly purchasedin retail stores are not suitablywrapped for freezing. Rewrap inmoisture/vapor-proof material.MeatRemove as much bone and fat aspossible from meat before packaging.Do not salt meat. When individualpieces of meat are packaged together,place double thickness of freezerwrap between them for easierseparation during thawing.PoultryClean thoroughly before packaging.Pad sharp or protruding bones withfolded freezer paper or aluminumfoil. Wrap giblets separately.Wild GameThe same methods suggested forpoultry and meat may be used forpreparing and freezing wild game.FishClean fish thoroughly before pack-aging. Cut-up pieces of “lean” fishsuch as haddock and cod should berinsed in brine made with 2/3 cup ofpure table salt per gallon of water toreduce leakage during thawing. Keepin solution not over 1 minute. Brine isunnecessary for whole fish or fattyfish such as salmon or mackerel.Oysters, Clams, Shrimps,ScallopsWash shells in running water (soakclams) and shuck, working quickly.Discard shells. Do not wash clamsor oysters. Scallops may be rinsed infresh water. Pack in freezer cartonand freeze immediately. Shrimpsare best if frozen uncooked.Remove and discard heads andblack vein. Wash and package infreezer containers.6Crabs and LobstersChill fish and remove back shell.Steam or boil in water for 15 to 20minutes. Cool thoroughly, then pickedible meat from shells and packagein proper containers. Seal andfreeze immediately.ThawingFrozen meat, fish or poultry shouldbe left in the original package andthawed in the refrigerator or cookedfrozen. Allow approximately 5 hoursper pound to thaw meat in therefrigerator. When cooking frozenmeat, increase the cooking time byapproximately 1/3 to 1/2 if cookingconventionally—much less ifcooking with microwaves. Ifnecessary to thaw meat quickly,thaw at room temperature—allowingonly 2 hours per pound.Don’t refreeze meat that hascompletely thawed; meat, whetherraw or cooked, can be frozensuccessfully only once. |
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