About the operationof yourfreezer, ge.comStartingthe Freezer_] Clean the inside of the fl'eezer with a mild solution oI baking soda and water (see Care and C/oaning).]Connect cord to power outlet._]On models with a Temperature Monitor or High-Temp .Maml Switch, set tile switch to tile OFFp(>sifi(m.[_ Make sure tile temperature control is set at 4._] ,Mlow fl'eezer to operate for at least four houi_ befi)re plating food inside._]On models with a Temperature Monitor or High-Temp _Maml Switch, set tile switch to tile 0Nposition.Temperature ControlFreezing temperature selection is made bysetting the control fl'om Ito 7 (coldest).If you want colder or wamler temperatures,a(!itlst tile control one step at a time._Mlow several hom_ alter each one-stepa(!iustment for tile freezer temperatureto stabilize.Turning tile control to OFFstops tile coolingprocess but does not shut off power to tilefreezer.Located on back of lid."___, _ Llil_ilct_[° r\ On 3flSwitctHigh-Temp Alarm Switch {onsomemodels)An alaml will sotmd if the fi'eezertemperature reaches tmsafe levels.Tile alaml operates on householdelectricity. If the power tifils, the alamlwill not i)erfimn.An ON/OFFswitch allows tile temperaturealam/ to be deactivated if desired. Tilefl'eezer is shii)ped with the switch in theOFfposidon. _MieI" tile freezer has i'tlnlong enough to lower tile temperature,you may set tile switch to tile 0Nposifion.CAUTION: Adding more than 3 pounds {1.5 kg)of warm food per cubic foot of freezer capacitycan trigger the alarm.Toactivate the alarm, set tile switch to tileONp(>sifion.Todeactivate the alarm, set tile switch to tileOFFp(>sition.7 ---P0wer { Alarm Temp AlarmOff ::Electronic Temperature Alarm {some Electronic Chest models)This feature is designed to provide a warningif the inside temperature reaches an tmsafblevel. Tile Temp _Marm feature operates onhousehold electricity. It will not function ifhousehold electrici b is interrupted.When tile fi'eezer is initially plugged in, tilered Temp .Mann indicator light blinks. Tileindicator light will continue to blink untilthe fl'eezer has reached a safe ii'eezingtemperature. If a malfunction causes anunsaib temperature inside tile fi'eeze_; tilered light will blink and tile buzzer willsound. To silence tile buzzei; press tileAI,ARM OFF breton. Tile indicat(>r lightwill continue to blink tmtil a safe fl'eezingtemperature is again reached. If tileproblem is not solved within twelve (12)hours, tile buzzer will mrn on again. If tileALARM OFF button is not pressed, tilebuzzer will turn itself off aut(>matically after48 h(/tn% but tile red Temp ,Mmm light willcontinue to blink. 5