TurboCool rapidly cools the refrigeratorcompartment in order to more quicklycool foods. UseTurboCool when adding alarge amount of food to the refrigeratorcompartment, putting away foods after theyhave been sitting out at room temperatureor when putting away warm leftovers. It canalso be used if the refrigerator has beenwithout power for an extended period.Once activated, the compressor will turn onimmediately and the fans will cycle on andoff at high speed as needed for eight hours.The compressor will continue to run untilthe refrigerator compartment cools toapproximately 34°F (1°C), then it will cycleon and off to maintain this setting. After8 hours, or ifTurboCool is pressed again,the refrigerator compartment will returnto the original setting.How to UsePressTurboCool. TheTurboCoolindicator light will come on; however,the refrigerator temperature displaywill still show the current setting.AfterTurboCool is complete, theTurboCoolindicator light will go out.NOTES: The refrigerator temperaturecannot be changed duringTurboCool.The freezer temperature is notaffected duringTurboCool.When opening the refrigeratordoor duringTurboCool, the fanswill continue to run if they havecycled on.Consumer SupportTroubleshooting TipsOperating InstructionsSafety InstructionsInstallation Instructions5About the temperature controls.ge.comWARMERCOLDERADJUST REFRIGERATOR TEMP9 IS COLDESTWARMERCOLDERADJUST FREEZER TEMP9 IS COLDESTInitially, set the refrigerator control at 5 and the freezer control at 5 and allow12–24 hours for the temperature to stabilize.Several adjustments may be required. Adjust the controls one increment at a time, andallow 12 hours after each adjustment for the refrigerator to reach the temperature youhave set.Setting the controls to 0 stops cooling in both the refrigerator and freezer compartmentsbut does not shut off electrical power to the refrigerator. On some models, only therefrigerator control has a 0 setting.Touch pad controls•Setting either control at 0 will automatically set the other control at 0. The zeros willblink until you set the controls.•If both controls are set at 0 and either COLDER pad is pressed, the controls willautomatically reset to 5.Control settings will vary based on personal preferences, usage and operatingconditions and may require more than one adjustment.NOTE: On some models, the refrigerator is shipped with protective film covering the temperaturecontrols. If this film was not removed during installation, remove it now.About TurboCool.™ (on some models)How it Works