Wdll Be ThereWith the purchase ofyour new GE appliance, receive tie assurance fiat ifyou ever needinformation or assistance from GE, we’ll be there. All you have to do is call—toll-free!h-Home Repair Semice80MEXARES(80M32-2737)A (;E consumer service professional” will provide expert repair service,scheduled at a time (hat’s c(~nveuient f’or you. Many GE [;c)nsumer Serviceconlp:llly-opel-:ited” locatit)ns ofl’er you service today or tc~m{)rr{~w, or at yourconvcnicncc (7:()() a.m. (() 7:()() p.m. weekdays, 9:()() a.m. to 2:()() p.m. Saturdays).Our f’:i(tor~-tl-:~irlcci [cchnicians know your appliance inside and out-so” mostrepairs call he handled in just onc visit.GEAnswerCente~808626.2000Whatever your question ~lhout any (1E m~jor appliance, [;E Answer C;enter@ildi)rrna[iou service is available t{) help. Your call—and yc~ur question- will beanswered promp[ly arrcl courteously.” And you can call any time. (IE Answer(;euter” sel~i(e is open 24 hours a d~iy, 7 days a week.SE.., o.a.a...,”. .,,.” .,... ,.., .,..”..” ..-,.,.m..o., .., ,,. ,>. o>... o.... . . . . . . . .For Customers With Special Needs...Upon request, (;E will provide (;(~nsumers with impaired hearing {Jr speech who haveI\raille controls” for a variety of” access to a TDD (Jr a conventic)nal teletypewriter may(;E appliances, and a brochure t.() call 80() -TDD-C~EA(; (800-833-4322) to requestassist in planning a barrier-free information” or service.kitchen fi)r persons with limitedmobili[y. T() obtain these items,fi-ee of ’charge, call 800.626.2000.Semice Contracts80&62&2224You can bavt> (11c secllre fk~cliug tha[ (;E (lonsumer Service will still be thereaf’[cr yotlr warranty expires. I’urcbase a (;E contract while your warranty is stillin efft>(t and you ’11 receive a substantial discount. With a multiple-year contract,you ‘rc assured of’fi]ture service at tc~day’s prices.Patis andAccessories80@62&2002