MPORTANT SAFETY ~STRUCTIONSRead all instructions before using this applianceAWAWING–Whenusing this appliance, alwaysexercise basic safetyprecautions, including thefollowing:l Use this appliance otiy for itsintended purpow, as you wi~find described in this Use andCam Guide.o This dishwasher must beproperly instiled andlocated in accordance withthe Instigation Instructionsbefore it is used. If you didnot receive an InstallationInstructions sheet with yourdishwasher, you can obtain oneby calling, toll free, the GEAnswer Centefl 800.626.2000.—This appliance must beconnected to a groundedmetal, permanent wiringsystem; or an equipment-grounding conductor must berun with the circuit conductorsand connected to theequipment-grounding terminalor lead of the appliance.—Connect to a properly rated,protected and sized power-supply circuit to avoidelectrical overload.l Do not store or usecombustible materials, gasolineor other flammable vapors andliqaids in the vicinity of this orany other appliance.l Use only powder or liquiddetergents or wetting agentsrecommended for use in adishwasher.c Do not wash plastic itemsutiess marked “dishwashersafe” or tie quivdent. Forplastic items not so marked,check the manufacturer’srecommendations.Q Load light plastic items so theywill not become dislodged anddrop to the bottom of thedishwasher—they might comeinto contact with the Calrod@heating element and be damaged.To minimize the possibilityof injury.l When loading items to bewashed:A. Locate sharp items sothat they are not likely todamage the door seal, andB. Load sharp knives withthe handles up to reduce therisk of cut-type injuries.c Do not touch the Calrod@heating element during orimmediately after use.l Do not operate your dishwasherunless all enclosure panels areproperly in place.l Do not tamper with controls.l Do not abuse, sit on, or stand onthe door or dish rack of thedishwasher.l Close supervision is necessaryif this appliance is used by ornear children. Do not allowchildren to play inside, on or withthis appliance or any discardedappliance. Dispose of discardedappliances and shipping orpacking material properly. Beforediscarding a dishwasher, removethe door of the washingcompartment.l Keep all washing detergentsand wetting agents out of thereach of children, preferably in alocked cabinet. Observe allwarnings on container labels toavoid personal injury.l To minimize the possibilityof electric shock, disconnectthis appliance from the powersupply before attempting anymaintenance. Note: Turningthe control dial to the OFFposition does not disconnecttie appliance from the powersupply. We recommend havinga qualified technician serviceyour appliance.AwmwmmmGAS is produced by thechemical action within yourwater heater. It can accumulatein the water heater andorwater pipes if hot water hasnot been used for a period oftwo weeks or longer.HYDROGEN GAS ISEXPLOSIVE. To prevent thepossibility of damage orinjury, if you have not used hotwater for two weeks or more,or moved into a residence inwhich the hot water systemmay not have been used forsome time, turn on all hotwater faucets and allow themto run for several minutesbefore using any electricalappliance which is connectedto the hot water system. Thiswill allow any hydrogen gas toescape. Also, since the gas isflammable, do not smoke oruse an open flame or applianceduring this process.SAVE THESEINSTRUCTIONS—–