Loading Your DishwasherThe lower rack is best used for plates, saucers, andcookware. Large items such as broiler pans and racksshould go in the lower rack along the edge. Load platters,pots and bowls along the sides, in corners, or in the back.For best washing results, all items should be positionedwith soiled side facing the center of the rack.Put flatware in the removable basket with fork and knifehandles up to protect your hands. Place spoons in thebasket with handles down. Mix knives, forks andspoons so they don’t nest together. Distribute evenly.The security cell cover hinged in the handle maybe lowered to either side to secure light-weightitems from the effects of the vigorous wash action.Keep center area clear in the lower rack.The wash tower rises through the center of the lowerrack during the wash and rinse portions of the cycle.Don’t block it or load tall things next to it. Also, becareful not to let a portion of an item such as a pot ordish handle extend through the bottom rack. This couldblock the wash arm and cause poor washing results.To increase the flexibility of the lower rack, theflexible silverware basket may be split. Grasp thesilverware basket at opposite corners and slide apart.The silverware basket sections should be placed inthe lower rack by hanging them on the top hoop.Don’t place the silverware basket in the front rightcorner because the detergent could pour into it anddamage silverware.9Don’t let anyitem extendthrough bottom.