Consumer Product Ownership RegistrationDear Customer:Thank you for purchasing our product and thank you for placing your confidence in us._A/e are proud to haxe you as a customer'.Follow these three steps to protect your new appliance investment:Complete mid lllai_your ConsmnerProduct OwuershipRegistration today.t]a_e the t)eace o/mind of knowing wec_ln contact you illth( unlikely (v(nt ofa sa/;vty lllodJ/ication.AJler mailing theregistration below,store this do( umentin a sa/(' place. Itcontains inti)rmationyou will need shouldyou require service.Our service nmnber is800.GE.(2\RES(800.432.2737).[_('_t(t VO/IF OwnelT'SMamml carefulh.It will hel t ) youoperam your newappliance properly.Model Number Serial NumberI IImportant: If you did not get a registration card with yourproduct, detach and return the form below toensure that your product is registered, or registeronline at ._ (MI h(r(Consumer Product Ownership RegistrationModel Number Serial NumberMI: Ms. M+>,. Mix_,Fir,,1 I I L_+sl]Name I I I I I I I I I Nain(! I I I I I I I I I I I I_11-( (!1 IAddr( ss I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, IIIApt. # I , i(;i,vI I Il )ale Placedhi Use IIIMonlhI I I I I I E-mail Addr+ss'Zip I_,,I I >.l I Pl_o.,IIGEAppliancesGE Consumer ProductsGeneral Electric CompanyLouisville, Kentuckyww_zGEApp/iances,com* Please proxide your e-mail address to receixe, via e-mail, discounts, special otl_crs and other importantcommunications from (;E Appliances (GEA).Check here if you do not want to receive communications from GEA's carefully selected partner',.FAILURE TO COMPLETE AND RETI JRN Tt tlS CARD DOES NOT D IMINISt t h_)[ RW.kRI_ \N'IY RIGt tTS.For inlkmnation about GEA's prixacy and data usage policy, go to x_a_-.GEAl:) and clickon 'Priva+ 3 Policy" or call 800.626.2224.14