loading the dishwasher racks12Operating Instructions Safety InstructionsConsumer Support Troubleshooting Tipsupper rackThe upper rack is for glasses, cups andsaucers. Cups and glasses fit best alongthe sides. This is also a secure place fordishwasher-safe plastics. The upper rack isgood for all kinds of odd-shaped utensils.Saucepans, mixing bowls and other itemsshould be placed face down.Securelargerdishwasher-safeplasticsovertwofingerswhenpossible.Makesuresmallplasticitemsaresecuresotheycan’tfallontotheheatingelement.Wash TowerKeepthecenterareaclearinthelowerrack.The wash tower rises through thecenter of the lower rack during thewash and rinse portions of the cycle.lower rackWhenloadingthelowerrack,donotloadlargeplattersortraysinthefrontrightcorner.Theymaypreventdetergentfromcirculatingduringthewashcycle.The lower rack is best used for plates,saucers and cookware. Large items such asbroiler pans and racks should go along thesides. Load platters, pots and bowls alongthe sides, in corners or in the back. Thesoiled side of items should face the centerof the rack.Forbestdishwashingresults,followtheseloadingguidelines.Featuresandappearanceofracksandsilverwarebasketsmayvaryfromyourmodel.don’tblockthewashtowerorloadtallthingsnexttoit.Be sure items don’t fallthrough rack and blockrotation of the spray arm.Also, be careful not tolet a portion of an itemsuch as a pot or dishhandle extend throughthe bottom rack. Thiscould block the washarm and cause poorwashing results.Silverware basketPut flatware in the removable basket withfork and knife handles up to protect yourhands. Place spoons in the basket withhandles down. Mix knives, forks and spoonsso they don’t nest together. Distributeevenly. Small plastic items, such asmeasuring spoons and lids from smallcontainers, should go in the bottom of thesilverware basket with silverware on top.DON’T LET ANY ITEM ExTEND THROUGHBOTTOM OF SILvERWARE BASKET ANDRACK, TO ENSURE PROPER FUNCTIONOF SPRAY ARM.do not cover upper rack tower(not present on all models)Towerdon’tblocktheupperrackwashtower.