Temperature Sensor SystemTo get dishes clean and dry you need hot water. To help you get water of the proper temperature, your dishwasherhas a water heating feature that automatically senses the temperature of the water in the wash cycle and heats it, ifnecessary, to the proper temperature. This water heating feature may allow you to turn down your household waterheater and save energy if you’re willing to let the dishwasherHow to test water temperature:Higher water temperature is needed to dissolve greaseand activate powder detergents.Check your water temperature with a candy or meatthermometer. Turn on the hot water faucet nearest thedishwasher. Put the thermometer in a glass and let thewater run continuously into the glass until thetemperature stops rising. If the water temperature isbelow 120°F.; adjust your water heater.Helpful hints: If outside temperatures are unusuallylow, or if your water travels a long distance from waterheater to dishwasher, you may need to set your waterheater’s thermostat up. If you have not used hot waterfor some time, the water in the pipes will be cold. Turnon the hot water faucet at the sink and allow it to rununtil the water is hot. Then start the dishwasher. Ifyou’ve recently done laundry or run hot water forshowers, give your water heater time to recover beforeoperating the dishwasher. To improve washability ifthe water is less than 120°F. and you cannot adjustyour water heater: Select a longer cycle and fill bothdetergent cups at least half-full with detergent.How to use a rinse agent.A rinse agent makes water flow off dishes quicker some models, by pressing the clear center of thethan usual. This lessens water spotting and makes fill cap 2 or 3 times. If rinse agent is drawn into thedrying faster, too. center of the fill cap, you have enough. If the centerFor best dishwashing performance, use of a rinse area remains clear add rinse agent.agent such as JET-DRY brand is recommended. Your dishwasher’s rinse agent container holds 4%Rinse agents come in either liquid or solid form. Your ounces. This should last about 3 months. Fill asneeded. Do not overfill.dishwasher’s dispenser uses the Iiquid form.How to fill rinse agent dispenser. Unscrew cap. Addliquid rinse agent until it justreaches the bottom of lipinside the dispenser opening.Replace cap. The dispenserautomatically releases rinseagent into final rinse water.You may check to see if you need to add rinse agentby removing the fill cap and looking into thecontainer. You may also check the rinse agent, onHow to choose and use the right detergent.If you accidentally spill: Wipe up the rinseagent with a damp cloth. Don’t leave the spill in thedishwasher. It can keep your detergent from working.If you can’t find any rinse agent, write:BENCKISER CONSUMERPRODUCTS, INC.(“JET DRY”)55 Federal Rd.P.O. Box 1991Danbury, CT. 06313-1991First, use only powder or liquid detergent specificallymade for use in dishwashers. Other types will causeoversudsing.Second, check the phosphate content. Phosphate helpsprevent hard-water materials from forming spots or filmon your dishes. If your water is hard (7 grains or more),your detergent has to work harder. Detergents with ahigher phosphate level will probably work better. If thephosphate content is low (8.7% or less), you’ll have touse extra detergent with hard water.Your water department can tell you how hard yourwater is. So can your county extension agent or yourarea’s water softener company. Just call and ask themhow many “grains of hardness” are in your water.How much detergent should you use? Thatdepends. Is your water “hard” or “soft”? With hardwater, you need extra detergent to get dishes clean.With soft water, you need less detergent.(continued next poge)11