How tokmd your(Mmwi&rThis is a random mixed load, the most common typeyou will have.Makesuredishesare properlyloadedto insurethatwatercan reachthe soiledsurfaces.The washarminthe bottomsprayswaterup. The towerthatrises in thecentersendswaterout overthe dishesto washtheitemsin theupperrack. .~ do~ake sureto placetall itemsto the outsidesothe upperwasharm is notblocked.How tokmdthe’TOP RACKThetop rackis bestfor glasses,cupsand saucers.Cupsandglassesfit bestalongthe sides.Thisis theplacefordishwasher-safeplastics,too.Makesuresmallplasticitemsare lodgedin tightlyso theycan’tfall ontotheCalrod@heatingunit.Arrangeste~ware so thatit cannotmoveeasily.Don’tlet the glassestoucheachother.——WATCH OUT FOR THIS.The wash towerrises throughthe centerof the bottomrack duringthe wash and rinse portionsof the cycle.Don’t b~ockit or load tall thingsnext to it. Also, becarefulnot to let a portionof an item such as a pot ordish handleextendthroughthe bottomrack. This couldblockthe wash arm and causepoor washingresults.8This rack is ideal for dishwasher-safeplastics.Whenloading,placeplasticitems alongthe back and be surethat each plastictumbleris securedover two fingers.This will preventdislodging;tumblerwill not fallthroughrack onto heatingunit. —--—