Wdll Be ThereWith the purchase of your new GE appliance, receive theassurance that if you ever need information or assistancefrom GE, we’ll be there. Al you have to do is cdl—toll-free!In-Home RepakService808-GE-CARES(8f10-H2-273flAGE Consumer Service professionalwill provide expert repair service,scheduled at a time that’s convenientfor you. Many GE Consumer Servicecompany-operated locations offer youservice today or tomorrow, or at yourconvenience (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.weekda~ 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Satur-days). Our factory-trained techniciansknow your appliance inside and out—so most repairs can be handled in justone visit.Service Contracts880-626-2224You can have the secure feeling thatGE Consumer Service will still bethere after your warranty expires. Pur.chase a GE contract while your war-ranty is still in effect and you’ll receivea substantial discount. With a multiple.year contract, you’re assured of futureservice at today’s prices.GEAnswer Center m800.626.2000Whatever your question about any GEmajor appliance, GE Answer CentePinformation service is available tohelp. Your cdl—and your question—will be answered promptiy andcourteously And you can cdl anytime. GE Answer Cente@ service isopen 24 hours a day 7 days a week.~Telecommunication Detice for the DeafPatis andAccessories800-626-2002hdividu~ qutiled to service theirown appliances can have neededparts or accessories sent direcdy totheir home, free of shipping charge!The CJE parts system provides accessto over 47,000 parts . . . and dl GEGenuine Renewal Parts are fillywarranted. WSA, MasterCard andDiscover cards are accepted.User maintenance instmctionscontained in this boo~et cover p~dures intended to be performed byany user. Other servicing genedyshould be referred to qutiled ser-vice personnel. Caution must beexercised, since improper servicingmay cause unsafe operation.-— — . . . ,., ----- —-,,-. . . . . . . - “.- —... “. .For Customers WtihSpecial Needs...8ti~62&2000Upon request, GE will provide Braillecontrols for a variety of GE appliances,and a brochure to assist in planning abarrier-free kitchen for persons withlimited mobility To obtain these items,free of charge, cdl 800.626.2000.Consumers with impaired hearingor speech who have access to a TDDor a conventional teletypewriter maycdl 800.TDD-C,EAC (800-833-4322)to request information or service.