-+, Questions?.——~n: UseThisProblemSoiver—.-——PROBLEMDISHWASHERWON’T RUNUNUSUAL NOISEDISHES DON’T DRYUNCLEAN DISHESAND FLATWAREBLACK OR GRAYMARKS IN CUPSDETERGENT LEFT IliDISPENSER CUPSDETERGENT CUPLID WON’T LATCHAFTER ADDINGDETERGENTYELLOW ORBROWN FILMI?63SSIBLECAUSE AND REMEDYA fuse in your home maybe blowri,or the circuit breaker tripped. Replace fuse orreset circuit breaker. Remove any other appliancesfrom the circuit.Utensilsmaynotbe secureon rackpins,orsomethingsmallr-nayhavedroppedfromtherack.Wateris causingutensilsto rattle.Makesureeverythingis securelyplacedindishwasher.Make sure inlet water temperatureis correct.(SeePage6.)Unloadthe bottomrackfirst.Waterfromdishesin the top rack maybe spillingintothebottomrack.Checkfor improperloading.Dishesshouldn’tnesttogether.Avoid overloading.Check the rinse agent dispenser to see that it’s not empty.Check inlet water temperature. It should be at least 120°F.(To test, see page 6.)Water pressure may be temporarily low. Turn on a fauc~t. Is water coming out slowerthan usual? If so, wait until pressure is normal before using your dishwasher.Plugged air gap. (See page 14.)Improper rack loading. (See pages 8 arid 9.)Aluminum utensils often leave marks when they rub against dishes. Remove markswith a mild abrasive cleanser.Water may not be reaching the detergent cups. Move dishes that maybe blockingdetergent cup.The dispenser cover may not be opening or may be blocked by improperly loadeditems. If you used a powder detergent, open the cup and remove any caked-ondetergent. If the cup still doesn’t open automatically, call for service.C)etergentmaybe old. If the powder detergent is hard or caked in the box, throw itaway.The detergent may not be working well. Try another brand.~ycle Indicator Dial must be in OFF position for cup lid to close and latch properly. If!OUunlatch the door and open it to dry your dishes, the Cycle Indicator Dial does notldvance to OFF by itself.~eaor coffee can stain cups. Remove the stains by hand, using a solution of 1/2 cupJIeach and 3 cups warn water.M overall yellow or brown film on dishes or glassware can be caused by ironIeposits in water. A special filter in the water supply line is the only way to correcthis problem. Your water softener company can tell you about the filter.{ellowfilm on sterling silver results when you wash copper utensils in the samesad. Silver polish will usually reinove this stain.—5EJ.—-