Installation InstructionsEXHAUSTING THE DRYER- Fire HazardWARNINGThis dryer MUST be vented to the outdoors.Use only 4” rigid metal ducting for the homeexhaust vent.Use only 4” rigid metal or UL-LISTED transition ductto connect the dryer to the home exhaust duct.DO NOT use a plastic vent.DO NOT exhaust into a chimney, kitchen exhaust,gas vent, wall, ceiling, attic, crawl space, orconcealed space of a building.DO NOT install a screen in or over the exhaust duct.DO NOT use duct longer than specified in theexhaust length table.Failure to follow these instructions can result indeath or fire.8TOOLS AND MATERIALS YOU WILLNEED TO INSTALL EXHAUST DUCTCONNECTING THE DRYER TO HOUSEVENTRIGID METAL TRANSITION DUCT• For best drying performance, a rigid metal transitionduct is recommended.• Rigid metal transition ducts reduce the risk of crushingand kinking.UL-LISTED FLEXIBLE METAL CLOTHES DRYERTRANSITION DUCT• If rigid metal cannot be used, then UL-LISTED flexiblemetal clothes dryer transition duct (GE parts –PM08X10085, WX08X10085 or WX08X10077) can beused.• Never install transition duct in walls, ceilings, floors orother enclosed spaces.• Total length of transition duct should not exceed8’ (2.4 m).• For many applications, installing elbows at boththe dryer and the wall is highly recommended (seeillustrations at right). Elbows allow the dryer to sitclose to the wall without kinking and/or crushing thetransition duct, maximizing drying performance.• Avoid resting the duct on sharp objects.UL-LISTED FLEXIBLE METAL (FOIL-TYPE) TRANSITIONDUCT• In special installations, it may be necessary to connectthe dryer to the home exhaust vent using flexible metal(foil-type) transition duct. UL–LISTED universal flexibledryer transition duct (GE parts – PM8X73 or WX8X73)may be used ONLY in installations where rigid metal orflexible metal transition ducting cannot be used ANDwhere a 4” diameter can be maintained throughoutthe entire length of the transition duct.• In Canada and the United States, only transition ductsthat comply with “UL 2158A STANDARD FOR CLOTHESDRYER TRANSITION DUCT” shall be used.• Avoid resting the duct on sharp objects.• For best drying performance:1. Slide one end of the duct over the clothes dryeroutlet pipe.2. Secure the duct with a clamp.3. With the dryer in its permanent position, extendthe duct to its full length. Allow 2” of duct tooverlap the exhaust pipe. Cut off and removeexcess duct. Keep the duct as straight aspossible for maximum airflow.4. Secure the duct to the exhaust pipe with theother clamp.PARTS AVAILABLE FROM LOCALSERVICE ORGANIZATIONS• Rigid Metal Duct ComponentsWX8X63 4 x 1 DuctWX8X64 4 x 2 DuctWX8X51 4 ElbowWX8X59 4 Aluminum Hood• Flexible Metal Duct ComponentsWX8X58 4 Clamps (2)WX8X59 4 Aluminum HoodWX08X10077 6 UL-Listed, Flexible Metal (Semi-Rigid)Duct, 2 Clamps, 2 Close ElbowsWE1M454 Cover rear exhaust opening Phillips-headscrewdriver Duct tape orduct clamp Rigid or UL-listedflexible metal 4”(10.2 cm) duct Drill with 1/8” drill bit(for bottom venting) Hacksaw Vent hood