WARNING RISK OF FIRE• To reduce the risk of severe injury or death, follow all installationinstructions.&ORWKHVGU\HULQVWDOODWLRQPXVWEHSHUIRUPHGE\DTXDOL¿HGLQVWDOOHU• Install the clothes dryer according to these instructions and inaccordance with local codes.• This dryer must be exhausted to the outdoors.• Use only rigid metal 4” diameter ductwork inside the dryer cabinet and useonly UL approved transition ducting between the dryer and the home duct.'2127LQVWDOODFORWKHVGU\HUZLWKÀH[LEOHSODVWLFGXFWLQJPDWHULDOV,IÀH[LEOHPHWDO VHPLULJLGRUIRLOW\SH GXFWLVLQVWDOOHGLWPXVWEH8/OLVWHGand installed in accordance with the instructions found in “Connecting7KH'U\HU7R+RXVH9HQWμRQSDJHVRIWKLVPDQXDO)OH[LEOHYHQWLQJmaterials are known to collapse, be easily crushed, and trap lint. TheseFRQGLWLRQVZLOOREVWUXFWGU\HUDLUÀRZDQGLQFUHDVHWKHULVNRI¿UH• Do not install or store this appliance in any location where it could beexposed to water and or weather.6DYH WKHVH LQVWUXFWLRQV ,QVWDOOHUV %H VXUH WR OHDYH WKHVH LQVWUXFWLRQVZLWKWKHFXVWRPHU NOTE: Installation and service of this dryer requires basicmechanical and electrical skills. It is your responsibility to contactDTXDOL¿HGLQVWDOOHUWRPDNHWKHHOHFWULFDOFRQQHFWLRQVInstallationInstructionsElectric Dryer04BEFORE YOU BEGINRead these instructions completely andcarefully.• IMPORTANT- Save these instructionsfor local inspector’s use.• IMPORTANT- Observe all governingcodes and ordinances.• Note to Installer - %H VXUH WR OHDYH WKHVHinstructions with the customer.• Note to Customer - Keep these instructionswith your Owner’s Manual for future reference.%HIRUHWKHROGGU\HULVUHPRYHGIURPVHUYLFHor discarded, remove the dryer door.• Service information and the wiring diagramare located in the control console.• Do not allow children on or in the appliance.Close supervision of children is necessarywhen the appliance is used near children.• Install the dryer where the temperature isDERYH)IRUVDWLVIDFWRU\RSHUDWLRQRIWKHdryer control system.• Product failure due to improper installation isnot covered under the Warranty.TOOLS YOUWILL NEEDPHILLIPS SCREWDRIVERSLIP JOINT PLIERSLEVELFLAT BLADE SCREWDRIVERMATERIALS YOU WILL NEEDGLOVESSAFETYGLASSESDRYER POWERCORD KIT(NOT PROVIDEDWITH DRYER)4" DUCTCLAMPS (2)OR4" SPRINGCLAMPS (2)EXHAUSTHOOD3/4" STRAINRELIEFUL RECOGNIZED4" DIA. METALELBOW4" DIA. FLEXIBLE METAL (SEMI-RIGID)UL LISTED TRANSITION DUCT(IF NEEDED)KIT WX08X10077 (INCLUDES 2 ELBOWS)4" DIA. METAL DUCT(RECOMMENDED)4" DIA. FLEXIBLE METAL (FOIL TYPE)UL LISTED TRANSITION DUCT(IF NEEDED.)DUCT TAPEUL RATED120/240V,30AWITH 3 OR 4 PRONGS.IDENTIFY THE PLUGTYPE AS PER THEHOUSE RECEPTACLEBEFORE PURCHASINGLINE CORD.4” COVER PLATE (IF NEEDED(KIT WE1M454)234D2004P004 31-16309 03-13 GEStep 1 Prepare the area and exhaust for installation of new dryerVHHVHFWLRQ 6WHS &KHFNDQGHQVXUHWKHH[LVWLQJH[WHUQDOH[KDXVWLVFOHDQ VHHVHFWLRQ DQGPHHWVDWWDFKHGLQVWDOODWLRQVSHFL¿FDWLRQV VHHVHFWLRQ 6WHS 5HPRYHWKHIRDPVKLSSLQJSDGV VHHVHFWLRQ Step 4 Move the dryer to the desired location.6WHS &RQQHFWWKHSRZHUVXSSO\ VHHVHFWLRQ 6WHS &RQQHFWWKHH[WHUQDOH[KDXVW VHHVHFWLRQ 6WHS /HYHO\RXUGU\HU VHHVHFWLRQ Step 8 Check the operation of the power supply and venting.Step 9 Place the Owner’s Manual and the Installation Instructionsin a location where they will be noticed by the owner.)RUDOFRYHRUFORVHWLQVWDOODWLRQVHHVHFWLRQ)RUEDWKURRPRUEHGURRPLQVWDOODWLRQVHHVHFWLRQ)RUPRELOHRUPDQXIDFWXUHGKRPHVHHVHFWLRQ)RUJDUDJHLQVWDOODWLRQ LIDOORZHGE\ORFDOFRGHV VHHVHFWLRQ)RUVLGHRUERWWRPH[KDXVWVHHVHFWLRQQuestions? Call 800.GE.CARES (800.432.2737) or visit our Web site at: GEAppliances.comIn Canada, call 1.800.561.3344 or visit www.GEAppliances.ca