49-60726-2 3CAUTION To reduce the risk of injury when using your refrigerator, follow these basic safetyprecautions.Ŷ 'RQRWFOHDQJODVVVKHOYHVRUFRYHUVZLWKZDUPwater when they are cold. Glass shelves andcovers may break if exposed to sudden temperaturechanges or impact, such as bumping or dropping.Tempered glass is designed to shatter into manysmall pieces if it breaks.Ŷ .HHSILQJHUVRXWRIWKH³SLQFKSRLQW´DUHDVclearances between the doors and between thedoors and cabinet are necessarily small. Be carefulclosing doors when children are in the area.Ŷ 'RQRWWRXFKWKHFROGVXUIDFHVLQWKHIUHH]HUcompartment when hands are damp or wet, skinmay stick to these extremely cold surfaces.Ŷ 'RQRWUHIUHH]HIUR]HQIRRGVZKLFKKDYHWKDZHGcompletely.Ŷ ,QUHIULJHUDWRUVZLWKDXWRPDWLFLFHPDNHUVDYRLGcontact with the moving parts of the ejectormechanism, or with the heating element thatUHOHDVHVWKHFXEHV'RQRWSODFHILQJHUVRUKDQGVon the automatic ice making mechanism while therefrigerator is plugged in.SAFETY INFORMATIONREAD AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSWARNING To reduce the risk of fire, explosion, electric shock, or injury when using yourrefrigerator, follow these basic safety precautions:Ŷ 7KLVUHIULJHUDWRUPXVWEHSURSHUO\LQVWDOOHGDQGORFDWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH,QVWDOODWLRQ,QVWUXFWLRQVEHIRUHLWLVXVHGŶ 8QSOXJWKHUHIULJHUDWRUEHIRUHPDNLQJUHSDLUVreplacing a light bulb, or cleaning.NOTE: Power to the refrigerator cannot bedisconnected by any setting on the control panel.NOTE: Repairs must be performed by a qualifiedService Professional.Ŷ 5HSODFHDOOSDUWVDQGSDQHOVEHIRUHRSHUDWLQJŶ 'RQRWVWRUHRUXVHJDVROLQHRURWKHUIODPPDEOHvapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any otherappliance.Ŷ 'RQRWVWRUHH[SORVLYHVXEVWDQFHVVXFKDVDHURVROcans with a flammable propellant in this appliance.Ŷ 'RQRWXVHDQH[WHQVLRQFRUGŶ 7RSUHYHQWVXIIRFDWLRQDQGHQWUDSPHQWKD]DUGVWRFKLOGUHQUHPRYHWKHIUHVKIRRGDQGIUHH]HUdoors from any refrigerator before disposing of it ordiscontinuing its use.Ŷ 7RDYRLGVHULRXVLQMXU\RUGHDWKFKLOGUHQVKRXOGQRWstand on, or play in or with the appliance.Ŷ &KLOGUHQDQGSHUVRQVZLWKUHGXFHGSK\VLFDOVHQVRU\or mental capabilities or lack of experience andknowledge can use this appliance only if they aresupervised or have been given instructions on safeXVHDQGXQGHUVWDQGWKHKD]DUGVLQYROYHGŶ 7KLVDSSOLDQFHLVLQWHQGHGWREHXVHGLQKRXVHKROGand similar applications such as: staff kitchen areasLQVKRSVRIILFHVDQGRWKHUZRUNLQJHQYLURQPHQWVIDUPKRXVHVE\FOLHQWVLQKRWHOVPRWHOVEHGEUHDNIDVWDQGRWKHUUHVLGHQWLDOHQYLURQPHQWVcatering and similar non-retail applications.IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATIONREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE APPLIANCEINSTALLATIONWARNING EXPLOSION HAZARD.HHSIODPPDEOHPDWHULDOVDQGYDSRUVVXFKDVJDVROLQHDZD\IURPUHIULJHUDWRU)DLOXUHWRGRVRFDQUHVXOWLQILUHexplosion, or death.STATE OF CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNINGSWARNING This product contains one or more chemicals known to the State of California to causecancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.