Installation InstructionsII[-_ CONNECT THE TUBING TO THEREFRIGERATORNOTES:INSTALLING THE WATER LINE {CONT.}. Before making the connection to the refrigerator, besure the refrigerator power cord is not plugged intothe wall outlet.. We recommend installing a water filter if your watersupply has sand or particles that could clog the screenof the refrigerator's water valve. Install it in the waterline near the refrigerator. If using GE SmartConnect_"Refrigerator Tubing kit, you will need an additional tube(WX08X10002)to connect the filter. Do not cut plastictube to install filter.Remove the access cover. J_r_---_. I©Remove the plastic flexiblecap from the water valve(refrigerator connection).Place the compression nut and ferrule (sleeve) ontothe end of the tubing as shown. On GE SmartConnect T"Refrigerator Tubing kit, the nuts are already assembledto the tubing.Insert the end of the tubing into the water valveconnection as far as possible. While holding the tubing,tighten the fitting.For plastic tubing from a GE SmartConnect T"Refrigerator Tubing kit, insert the molded end of thetubing into the shutoff valve and tighten compressionnut until it is hand tight, then tighten one additionalturn with a wrench. Overtightening may cause leaks.Fasten the tubing into the clamp provided to hold it in avertical position. You may need to pry open the clamp.1/4" TubingCopper ClampTubingRefrigerator1/4" CompressionNutFerrule(sleeve)SmartConnect "_Tubingacces I[_ TURN THE WATERON AT THESHUTOFF VALVETighten any connectionsthat leak.[_] INSTALLING THE REFRIGERATORPlug in the refrigerator.Arrange the coil of tubing sothat it does not vibrate againstthe back of the refrigeratoror against the wall. Pushtherefrigerator back to the wall.IT0]START THE ICEMAKEROn power switch models, set the icemaker powerswitch to the ON position. On feeler arm models,move the feeler arm to the ON (down) position. Theicemaker will not begin to operate until it reaches itsoperating temperature of !5°F (-9°0 or below. It willthen begin operation automatically.PowerswitchPowerswitch model_K,FeelerArm inthe ON (down) positionFeeler arm modelNOTE: In lower water pressure conditions, the watervalve may turn on up to 3 times to deliver enoughwater to the icemaker.12