10 49-60780 Rev. 4Installation InstructionsINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSWhen reversing the door swing:• Read the instructions all the way through beforestarting.• Tighten all hinge screws but avoid over-tighteningto prevent stripping.• Handle parts carefully to avoid scratching paint.• Set screws down by their related parts to avoidlosing them.• Provide a non-scratching work surface for thedoors.CAUTION Lifting Hazard7KH)UHVK)RRGDQG)UHH]HUGRRUVDUHKHDY\8VHboth hands to secure the doors before lifting.IMPORTANT: Once you begin, do not move thecabinet until door-swing reversal is completed.These instructions are for changing the hinges fromWKHULJKWVLGHWRWKHOHIWVLGH²LI\RXHYHUZDQWWRchange the hinges back to the right side, follow thesesame instructions and reverse all references to leftand right.IMPORTANT NOTESREVERSING THE DOOR SWINGPhillips screwdriverTOOLS REQUIREDMasking tape ´ open-end wrenchesor adjustablewrenchREMOVING THE DOORS1. 7DSHWKHIUHH]HUGRRUVKXWZLWKPDVNLQJWDSH2. Remove the hinge cover and screws that hold thetop hinge to the cabinet.3. Lift the hinge straight up to free the hinge pin fromthe socket in the top of the door and set it aside,along with its screws.4. Remove the tape. Lift the door off the center hingepin and set the door on a non-scratching surface withthe outside up.5. 8QVFUHZFHQWHUKLQJHSLQ%HVXUHWRUHWDLQSODVWLFwasher(s) for reinstallation. Remove refrigeratordoor from bottom hinge and set the door on a non-scratching surface with the outside up.6.8VHHLWKHUDZUHQFKRU77RU[VFUHZGULYHUWRremove center hinge and plastic spacer(s) byunscrewing center bolt, loosening side bolts andsliding hinge to the center of the cabinet. Tighten boltsback into place and replace the center bolt.7. Remove the center bolt on the opposite side andORRVHQVLGHEROWV)OLSWKHFHQWHUKLQJHDQGVSDFHUover so the placement of the hinge pin will be towardthe outside. Slide center hinge and spacers behindside bolts. Reinstall center bolt and tighten side bolts.BEFORE YOU START1. Unplug the refrigerator from its electricaloutlet.2. Empty all door shelves, including the dairycompartment.IMPORTANT: 'RQRWOHWeither door drop to the floor.To do so could damage thedoor stop.3. Remove the front grille ifit is installed.Torx T25(some models) PliersTop HingeTop HingeCoverCenter HingePin and WasherCenter BoltLoosenSide BoltsHinge andSpacerCenter BoltCenterHingePin andWasherHinge andSpacerWARNING )ROORZDOOVWHSVZKHQUHYHUVLQJWKHGRRUVZLQJ)DLOXUHWRIROORZWKHVHLQVWUXFWLRQVleaving off parts, or overtightening screws, can leadto the door falling off and result in injury and propertydamage.